
aged 10. I was talking about him being post-puberty. The girls he went on about who ignored him or bullied him.

Well that is true and I dont understand why there isnt more concern. It has got to be in the food or the environment. I have read of girls of 5 and 6 hitting puberty: coincidence that the meat is full of hormones? so young bodies totally unequipped to deal with sexual urges. Now, on top of that, society has become

If you are eating all this healthy food and weighing that much then surely something is wrong with that food. I have read that high-fructose syrup is even sprayed on vegetables to make them glisten now.

But in my young day there must have been as many people abused or unhappy, yet obesity was nearly unknown. 2% of the population of the UK I think. so what has happened? Why are people eating so much trash? Or is it that the food itself is so toxic that weight is piling on? The kids of HK eat very 'healthy' food and

Isnt that exactly what modern art is all about? That's why I hate it. I feel it is important to strive for beauty in everything, it civilizes a society. When I see a Michaelangelo I feel literally awe, I feel like I channel the divine. People make jokes about Italy's dismal fighting record in WW2 but is that because

Actually plenty of women do this already. It might make more sense to say: have sex with men with whom you have no spark and feel no heat when he touches you. Or even feel repulsion.

I feel sick.

actually if you wade through his whole 'manifesto' you will see no 'females' bullied him at all. Girls were nice to him. Then he hit puberty and stopped seeing them as human. he only took notice of 'hot blonde white' girls, considering others to be 'fat ugly whales'. He demanded that hot blonde white girls 'adore'

Well..having said that...when I was a girl, there was no real sex ed. And there was no sex on TV. And when we were teenagers, we didnt get laid til about 16 at a minimum. Heavy petting is all.

Are you honestly claiming there are men getting women to swoon over them by grabbing them by the neck, shoving hands up their skirts, calling them slut and whore and following them outside? because that is what these girls are describing. Give me an example. You guys are always talking about this, but never any

Hive Vagina! Oh my god that's fabulous!!!

Giving someone a chance at a job is hardly like giving them a chance at your body. If there is no chemistry, there's no chemistry. And the more you keep projecting an atmosphere of rejection like this the more it will go on. You have to make your life enjoyable on its own first. As to sex: dont be an idiot. go and

How many girls have you wanted a relationship with who are not conventionally pretty?

Asperger's they said. I have it...he didnt really seem like it to me...but then it takes men and women differently. these Vlogs going on about his entirely personal and, to others, boring and embarrassing stuff...yes, its the kind of thing Aspies might do. It's not narcissism: its a complete inability to realise other

But did he actually do this with hammer and chisel, because I thought that was practically a vanished skill...amazing if so

Why in the name of God dont guys like this find a kind and understanding prostitute, first to get themselves laid, and next to maybe learn something from? Such as how to be a sensitive lover, which will then show in the confidence you'll assume. Or how to appreciate girls for more than this hot business.

Like a good Englishwoman I hate the French and am never sure whether to take it as a compliment that whenever I visit the Continent, everyone thinks I AM French. If someone says: you are not fat and ugly enough to be English, how do you take that?

yeah, you dont need a face-lift at 45 if you've been getting botox since 30 twice a year. (as I know). Plus it looks like some fillers too, and some IPL to smooth it all. So what she says is bollocks. Let your wrinkles come by quitting botox then.

That's a model? What is going on? A friend of mine in thailand recently found his hotel, where he lives, had replaced the sports channel with fashion tv. "Man", he said in the most heartfelt way "those are some ugly women"...and really it took the words out of my mouth. To think other women think these models are a

Oh it's so obviously fake! Stupid. Gosh, guy was mean to a 'big girl'...and it turns out that's what the guys like...seriously!