
I love beautiful shoes but for years now I have worn good comfortable sandals that allow the feet to spread and breathe and it makes a gigantic difference to your whole body and also your emotional health. I now have a pair of nameless sandals, quite pretty and they are the next best thing to bare feet. They have

Just who is this benedict cumberbatch? I have seen his name mooted to play Avon if Blake's 7 were ever remade. Now, since Paul Darrow is the most beautiful and graceful and sexy and dominating man who ever lived, plus being a great actor, this Benedict will have big shoes to fill.

Definitely. Ruin his life. This is contemptible mob behaviour and I find it hilarious that the same people write stuff about how terrible bullying is.

yes, perhaps another mob can be got together to take highlighted bits out of context, with no attempt to understand the people behind it all.

But why does everyone automatically not believe them? From what they said, a very drunk girl was attacking them! Have you ever seen a girl do that? Why does everyone on this site act like this never happens! Alcohol can make women violent too. And it sometimes makes them worse, when they take it for granted that the

this was written by a man

So why does "courtney" go to these things? Why does she get all 'dolled up' and stand in the parking garage and doubtless, I mean absolutely doubtless, make fun of girls who are not hot enough to be 'chosen' by this absolute trash pretending to be human? It strikes me 'Courtney' perhaps didnt get picked and is now all

Which is why I think we should be looking more at why some kids just seem to be natural victims and what they can do about that. Instead of trying to shame bullies, why not teach victims how to project confidence? How to, for example, never try and make friends with someone who bullies you, or be pathetically grateful

Russell Brand is writing a kid's book? Is this the same Russell Brand who massacres the English language every single time he airs his idiot views in the Guardian?

aren't there any people living near the clinics who could put the women up? Still....I suppose that might even be dangerous, what with all those good Christians around.

Another thing about this site, I found this heartening. After all those stories of awful bosses, in all these hundreds of tales I have so far only found one where the manger told the waitress to put up with sexist behaviour because the men are 'only playing'. In so many others, the manger steps up and kicks out

Destroy productivity? Destroy productivity?? I went to this site at 5 to 3 yesterday. When I looked was one minute to midnight.

It's funny how I knew that was England, even before you said. It just didn't sound like a US story. I can't put my finger on it (as it were).

I gave one of my cat's kittens to a girl living on my island. About 2 years later I met her on the ferry and asked after the now grown cat...and she opened her bag to show it lying totally relaxed at the bottom. I was blown away. She said she took it over to Hong Kong side every weekend to stay with her boyfriend and

I swear that was would have been if I lived in the US...I have actually done things as dumb as that. I had a job where they were sending things to an email account for me to correct and I believed the things I received at home were different from the things I received at, they were going to separate

She's good! That Zombie song is good!

I would just for once like to see what these clothes would actually look like on a woman my age. It's really hard to guess. Not mention size. Haven't been that skinny since I was 24. So how will frocks in the mag look now? How do they stretch? These coat hanger girls, the dress just swings from the shoulders.

"Big spectacle movies'? Are they ones about evil nerds conquering the word or abour misunderstood boys who are hot after all?

Trust Italians to do it right. Hate, hate and really hate all the English ones, especially minge and gash.

Why offensive? If it sheathes the sword, it conquers it, makes it safe, right?