
not read feminine mystique then ? whole chapter about sex obsession. 50s housewives were meant to be very orgasmic

what was wrong with the advice ? it was mostly fine. if you're going to live in a community you need to fit in. all the sex advice was respectful and thoughtful. and ppl who are neurotic etc are best avoided. actually this advised being loving tolerant and sociable and unselfish. and you need to fit in because of your

Don't agree. Kids here in HK are spanked and not gently, either. It happens rarely and is always done in love, as a last resort, and with the kid understanding that. There's a cartoon showing a dad, tears pouring down his face, crying as he beat his son: "You know I do it because I love you, don't you?" and the kid

pretty funny though. sounds like our Alan Clark. he was just like this. He shagged some south Africans wife and his daughters and guy threatened to horse whip him through london. What i loved about him was his totally unrepentant attitude. Not for Alan the tearful apologies on getting found out . he just did things

I think we also have to look at what makes some people victims. And I think it would really help to focus on stopping them being doormats. Ok some kids get picked on for being different, but a confident attitude will always defeat this…so long as it is pulled off with assurance. Julian Clary was bullied for being gay:

'Uncomfortably intense" exactly. The whole our heroes bit.

No, please tell me that is true!! Please give details…that's hilarious. Preserve the evidence for thawing out, why not.

While checking out something about delusional serial killers, I came across the info that Pedro Lopez, 'The Monster of the Andes', convicted of killing 110 young girls but suspected of 300, was released in 1998 after serving only 18 years and his current whereabouts are unknown.

That was beautifully said. Exactly that. Vacillate between extremes. It's the way it's always presented as 'the latest findings' that displace the less recent latest findings, which then make a come-back next time.

Also, many serial killers have an inner drive to be caught, as the only way to stop their addiction. Because that's what it is, an addiction. Did you know Ted Bundy planned to stop by 'cutting down' to rape, then to voyeurism…de-escalating, as he put it, to the point there would be no need for the 'behaviour'. This is

let's not forget the atrocious Russell Brand. Never let anything go by without mentioning his so~called addiction Wish he would relapse and overdose and spare the world any more of his appalling writing.

once a certain level of addiction is reached choice may no longer enter into it. here decisions are no longer individual due to changes in brain chemistry. and so the addict needs treatment but often the 'system ' chooses to incarcerate. and the initial choices authority not be choices as individual as you think.

Remember the scene in Gia where the fashion shoot styliist sees a tube for smoking heroin in the bosom of Gias dress? and declares "that's good !" She'll get the right look. only concern comes when it looks like Gia is going to vomit on the wonderful dress. Fashion music movies and TV are ruthless industries. look at

absolutely. and she doesn't look underweight or anorexic. perceptions have changed so much a slim girl looks dangerously ill. she looks great. and at 24 and 5'4" 105 is fine.

absolutely. and she doesn't look underweight or anorexic. perceptions have changed so much a slim girl looks dangerously ill. she looks great. and at 24 and 5'4" 105 is fine.

it was stupid nobody needs to die of heroin addiction. just don't inject. easy. smoke or snort. and don't take loads at once. common sense. all these deaths are ppl who just couldn't be moderate.

not a disease. cancer is a disease. addiction causes chemical changes in the brain which are hard to deal with. but put a gun to an addicts head and say don't use and they will be able to control it. can't say that for cancer. you may need a gun to the head to do it but still doesn't make it a disease

try dane jones it's perfect. gorgeous ppl totally natural some different ages and shapes too. i love it

what is a Mary Sue!

Ok can I ask you to explain that? Why is it her call? In a marriage don't you share your bodies? You have sex, regularly (hopefully) and this is supposed to be the only body you ever play withagain. So surely to God, both partners must agree on major changes? This is just my opinion…It's just I have seen that before