
Seriously! they are so hideous! And they look joined together.

Jugs meaning jugs, right?

Jesus, if you are going to academic conferences in your 80s, who cares about looks! that's awesome. There, that sticks it to all those people (read: men) who ignore women over 25.

I've heard black people say, 'black don't crack'. It can be seen as a revenge for all that oppression: now white people would love to have something black people have: eternal youth.

Surely the definition of sexy is what makes a man stand to attention? Dressing for yourself, etc is one thing, but sexy is about sex and includes men, no? And I find it really really hard to think any man will look at her stomach and go Phwoooarr. It isn't sexy. This is getting ridiculous. I would be very glad to see

Is this a parody? If not, it's the worst thing ever. It's more embarrassing than seeing white people do gang signs.

Interesting that a lot of those foods are also the foods of Northern England. Again, its poverty food, eating the stuff that you can afford and then making it into a culture.

Try not to be a dick. Try hard. And 'fucked for a night and left while he was still asleep" does not constitute attracted to.

comment of the decade

thanks. I can see the last 4 or 5 replies..have to try see rest.

I do think the way that you dealt with it was central. And also, if you began a friendship with someone and then developed feelings, serious feelings, which were not returned, it is perfectly reasonable you might not be able to stand being near them anymore. In fact, it would seem cold if you could.

So none of you ever considered the girls feelings at all? It is necessary to move on. That's all. Never mind that you've been a rock for her, someone to lean on. Now you just walk away. Her friendship meant nothing to you.

Sorry, why aren't there that many guys around anymore? Where are the guys of the same age?

Why would you think openness denoted sexual attraction?It seems to me you are operating on the 'nice and good girl' principle. In reality, if a woman or girl is interested sexually, she is going to let you know. She's going to initiate. Little glances, little excuses to touch you, flattering remarks,

And another thing. Why shouldn't young women enjoy blowing, fucking and whatever any number of assholes they like while they are young? It is called sowing your oats. Yes, as you pointed out, when they are a bit older, they appreciate the nicer guys. This would make good sense, would it not? Or are you of the opinion

'girls' don't want nice guys because they have low self esteem.". Like women are all the same.

He's not a 'pathetic loser'. he's an asshole who almost certainly has no female friends, because women who he finds unattractive he will just ignore, making sure never to catch their eye, and the one he does like, he'll pretend to treat as human until he works up the nerve to let them know he only ever considered them

Acceptable or not, it is painful. Can't you see the woman felt she was seen as a real human being by this man and then she suddenly discovers that actually, he never liked her at all, or not enough to want her friendship. Sex was always more important. Hence, her value is as a body, not as a person. It hurts a lot.

Because the guy on a date has made it clear from the start that he is interested in the woman's body. She accepts that, that's why she is on the date. She hopes he'll see her as more as time goes on, if things work out.

'he stopped hanging out with crush girl'. Any idea how upsetting and painful that might have been for her? to call up her friend and be told to "get lost, I've got a girlfriend now. What, you thought I actually liked YOU as YOU ? Hilarious!"