Funny. I started going out with my last boyfriend when he was living in his car. And it was a Lada. And at the time I was a young and beautiful girl with men pulling up their chairs 'just to gaze at you' at parties.
Funny. I started going out with my last boyfriend when he was living in his car. And it was a Lada. And at the time I was a young and beautiful girl with men pulling up their chairs 'just to gaze at you' at parties.
How about being friends with women you are not attracted to? Or how about not hanging around women who are mean, who enjoy using their sexual power to humiliate? We aren't all the same, you know. Gosh, do you mean to say you didn't know that? Perhaps stop reading manosphere blogs.
'Putting in effort'? Is that how you see a friendship with a woman? do you 'put in effort' with male friends?
Cant you see that the girl JUST WASN'T ATTRACTED TO YOU? There is no rhyme or reason for it. Yes, you were a gentleman. You were kind to her. You were reliable and decent. None of this can ever make you sexually attractive. Nothing can. It just happens.
I think what you are saying is different to what Jeff is saying. He is, although he doesnt seem to think so, saying women aren't people and that men wouldnt ever bother with them of they didnt have a nice warm place.
You said yourself "why would a man talk to a woman if not to get to fuck her " paraphrasing. You said men 'put the time in' to be women's friends, because its a chore to be got through to get sex.
Jesus did you really just say that? Why would you want to be friends with a woman if not for sex?
Absolutely. I noticed that line. It could have so easily been 'putting the work in'.
I suggested bedzoned to Helen.
Essentially, you are saying men and women can't be friends. That if a man approaches you in any way, its because he is ultimately interested in your body and everything else is just leading up to that. And women don't say 'no' because he isn't good enough. It is because they are not attracted and why is always a…
Sexual attraction for women is very mysterious. Despite what guys think, it is nothing to do with what car they drive. That can make a woman ACT aroused, cant make it happen. Likewise how nice, or even how good-looking he is. You can admire a good looking man, is, as Cher says, in the kiss. It's whnen he…
And furthermore, few women would talk to any guy about being with other guys. When we say 'friendship' it mostly doesnt mean going on about sex with someone else. Indeed, that would seem inappropriate to me. Unless a guy is actually asking for details of your break-up and acting like he wants to console you…and I…
It isnt the same thing at all. Openess shouldnt be interpreted as caring and affection. It should be interpreted as friendship. And you cannot cuckold someone unless you are married tothem. Why is it impossible for a man to take the friendship offered, add the girl to a list of friends and look elsewhere for romance?
why do you call it 'the next level'? So friendship is a lower level?
It's so horrible, isn't it? I sat talking to a guy once in a bar, such a funny conversation…then I had to leave…and when I stood up smiling and said goodbye..was actually going to say 'hope to see you again', he slammed his glass down and said 'that was a waste of an hour'.
But some of the stuff I read wasn't like that. Yes, some was ridiculous, saying it never happened. But some writers contend that there was a Holocaust, but it was done by shooting, and not gas chambers. And at least one was arguing that there were gas chambers, but not at Auschwitz. They were at Chelmno, Belzec,…
I can't actually read the comments people have replied to me. When I click it, it just says 'redirecting' and never gets there. 77 comments I have right now and no idea what.
Really really not true according to something I saw just this morning. It was about how hard it is to get a really good photoshop person, how it is indeed easy to do basic stuff, but for the great magazines, that isn't enough. They want art. And that takes talent and many hours of painstaking work.
Well, that isnt true. Great photoshop artists are worth their weight in gold.