
I always wanted to see a vampire movie in which the coven of vamps are black. And the story doesn’t shy away from race and racism.

Jeez, just how big IS Henry Cavill’s moustache going to be?

Which one’s which?

I don’t see the point of your fancy statistics. That was Kyle Orton’s team and was, in fact, Kyle Orton’s league as long as he was in it. We all just didn’t realize it at the time.

Now playing

Everyone in my group was like “don’t do it, don’t do it” I was like:

FWIW, that wax ring looks pretty thick, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a newer toilet. If you’re stealing appliances, you’ve got at least 2 guys, so uninstalling a toilet could be done in 90 seconds. If it’s a nice toilet, you could resell for $200 maybe. So the cost benefit makes sense. I realize I’m defending

Me Hate He.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

Poe: What are you doing, Maz?

“I don’t know, a lot of ghosts around here. Ghost put it in. You know the ghost of Christmas past.”

Can Deadspin just start calling them the Washington Redhawks from now on?

For all I knew Dilbert was done in 1997.

I’m going to be sworn in on a worn laserdisc of The Empire Strikes Back.

*Mother starts to open gift*
Mother: “What the hell is this?”
Me: “It’s Smeg, ma!”

Working on it

Now all we need is the article on all the things people shoved up their asses this year and 2017 will be complete!

We also have an asshole-friendly Twitter. It’s called Twitter.

Jeremy Giambi was safe.