
Yeah, poor Yankees are so victimized by the media. So little coverage and hype.

Had this convo on twitter earlier.

That you just threw out that you made a conscious decision to go to Hooters like it is no big deal is what frightens me the most about your comment.

I think you mean only he can hear it. Cause that’s how dog whistles work.

They booed at the bar I was in Sunday. At the TV. But no one took off their hat or stood or put down their beer. Which proves the patriotism can’t go through a TV screen. I guess.

As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:

I’m an Army veteran and I would have kneeled. Fuck the Army, as us grunts used to say.

Me-First player who doesn’t listen to his coach’s orders and thinks he’s special.

I love that it wasn’t enough for Alejandro Villanueva to have a moment of reflection in the locker room as the national anthem played. Instead he’s basically Flag Batman responding to the call. “Must...salute...flag.” If you start playing the star spangled banner, that man will show up, hand over heart. Try it right

a real distraction.

Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.

Pittsburgh Steelers, who all stayed in the locker room except for U.S. Army veteran and offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva.

What drives me nuts is that Steelers can’t at the same time decide that all players will remain in the locker room for the sake of uniformity and then have one player come out to honor the anthem.

I wish they had accepted and then shown up to Obama’s house for a bbq.

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

Seth DeValve knelt for the anthem earlier this season too, with a bunch of his black teammates. He counts, even if he does play for the Browns.

Shut it down.

It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.

Along those lines, I have always been fascinated by Han Solo saying “I’ll see you in Hell” in Empire Strikes Back. Not only do they have these people whose religion is based on an unseen Force that some people can control and manipulate, but they also have a concept of Heaven and Hell.