
which happens first: NFL collapses or we land on Mars?

I quit watching the NFL this season, for all of the reasons you guys cover so well. what would it take for this site to become completely anti NFL? are we already there?

so is it always this bad? or have you guys noticed a substantial shift in the past year?

is Codenames considered a board game? if so it should definitely be on here

OPEN YOUR EYES people, seems like the local news was briefed ahead of time on the final score of the game. doesn’t that seem fishy?

so is it a mad dash to see who breaks news first or are you and i09 trading off? or are you really operating autonomously? have to imagine they get way more clicks on this story cause theirs was almost an hour earlier, and they included a couple more pics.  

yea someone asked about this in last weeks AMA and they said not to worry about the websites combining, but sure seems like a wast of effort and not gonna generate enough clicks. I imagine soon enough they will at least all have to attend meetings together where they decide which website is running which story. the

no update on his swim times???

wonder if anyone is working on a piece about how Rather is using Facebook these days, I’d love to read it

don’t forget Herkermer Homolka!

this was a great read

just read it through ONE TIME before you post

CLICKBAIT come on youre better than this

one of my favorite episodes, and definitely one of the most memorable. really important moment in the overall arc of how far Walt and Jesse are willing to go. Jesse never loses his humanity, and the killing of this kid is his final straw, while Walt is completely gone at this point and easily justifies it to himself.

10 minute turnaround! i like the idea that this is what does deadspin in, a downward spiral of articles just arguing with previous articles

the Titans gave a full million ha so yea its a little skewed. still awesome

he could coach football!

so weird to me that you cant get Nikki to show up during the rest of the shoot, so you just cut away to her in front of a green screen and try to make it look ok. rough

i think youre about 10 years off on your parkour internet video dating. Casino Royale came out in 06 and I think it was already a big thing before that chase scene.

came for this, wasnt disappointed