
i like what you did here

the dude had over a hundred catches and 1500 yards the season before last, and then the Jets forgot how to play football. I think hes still got a lot left in the tank.

be gone math truther

loved it. as many have said, it was more than a comic book movie. ive heard the comparisons to children of men, but i think Looper is more appropriate. as much as the movie was a send off for Xavier and Logan, I think it was also for us. we’ve been sitting through these xmen movies for 17 years, and mostly have been


you must be joking if you think he is more well known for Boardwalk and not The Wire. not really sure why I’m even responding to this, but here we are.

first off, you don’t need the name AND the picture, just pick one. and secondly, its PABLO. you really blew it here.

i was just talking about Wizard’s casting ideas years before the movie came out. the first movie made some great choices for when it came out, but it’s hard when you start to compare it to the better mcu stuff.

why did i read this?

they actually had Stewart for Professor X, only thing they got right I think.

Amazon doesnt seem to be able to show anything under my orders still

for Alien day last year we went and saw Aliens in a packed theater in downtown LA. its always interesting watching big old movies in theaters again, since youre used to just watching it at home with maybe one or two others. the energy in the room every time Paxton was onscreen was amazing. people were laughing

i loved it, but wondering about the ending. was it just too on the nose for a cop to step out of the car at the end and kill him, thinking he was saving Allison Williams? that would have been a pretty crazy ending if he goes through all that, gets out, and then gets shot in the head by a cop and then roll credits. i

lol at the threat of them having to face off against the Wendigo after. also, i wonder what those scientists are checking off on their clipboards.



i think underwater Armageddon sounds like the wrong way to describe this. sounds like its a much smaller movie about a small crew dying one by one trying to survive their station flooding. if theres some other thing like a nuclear bomb they have to stop, then yea i guess the stakes are big, but the main thing about

seems like she had to get under a certain time to be able to join some fancy running group lol

odds that at some point the good android Walter is replaced by bad android David without the surviving crew realizing it? gonna have to be some sort of tick or scar or something that differentiates them and our main character realizes it right before its too late for somebody else thats in a room with him. also noomi

did you debate changing the title to UPDATE: HE’S DEAD