
prob all fake. there was a very similar story that got posted on your annual list of scary stories this past october from a guy who went on a grinder date to a remote house and his date kept leaving the room and then he ran out of the house after hearing weird noises downstairs.

did you guys read Simmons’ mailbag today? it’s really turned into self parody at this point. how much of your day is spent reading what other people have written on the internet?

is it bad that my reaction to the NCAA’s is to try to figure out their angle? I love that they have gotten involved here, but for them to treat players the way they do, im confused where this is coming from.

seems like this will be a classic Streisand Effect case here

how about when people ask if you are free on sunday without saying what they are about to ask you to do

embarrassing how long it took me to understand what this article was

youre telling me somebody hasnt shopped Brady into one of these pics yet? what has the comment section become??

surprisingly enjoyable to read an athlete quote that hasnt been bleeped out. do you guys always do this, and im just noticing it?

hold up, lets all talk about a dog version of mortal kombat where a dog shang tsung says “your dog soul is mine”

it’s an interesting idea. to not really think he should be in the Hall, but to also be surprised he wasn’t discussed further. I ultimately think he doesn’t make the cut, but I think you nailed with there being a logjam of steroids era players due to idiot journalists. 

trending topics is different for every person based on what you click on, so unless it has the most mentions, not really top trending topic.

best case scenario for this game: packers up big at halftime, dak gets hurt, romo comes in and brings the cowboys back to tie, throws a pick six in overtime.

did not see that one coming, even with the yelling

this is a bad list. i stopped watching after season 4 because they ran out of issues for episodes and just started having everyone act like charlie. the first three seasons are all gold, and should be ranked as such. the original appeal of this show was watching terrible people take different terrible opinions on hot

find the truth deadspin. follow the clues.

i wonder if this man thinks that most of his new fans actually think he is cool? doen’t seem like the type to get irony and sarcasm.

evil sex-having witches poor people

the bye bye man

now im starting to think theres actually more too this. should probably give it a name...if only there was a good term for a controversy involving liquid...

if i could throw like that i wouldnt talk to my family either