
while i dont really enjoy the way you brought this up, i was gonna say the same thing

holy shit i thought it was actually called all takes matter, i wish i never found out it wasnt

heres my prediction for Euron: Daenarys’ fleet runs into his, and we see a massive sea battle to start next season. Rather than deal with the horn from the books that allows him to control dragons, it is revealed that Euron can warg. His eyes go white, we expect him to warg into one of the dragons, but then we

heres my prediction for Euron: Daenarys’ fleet runs into his, and we see a massive sea battle to start next season. Rather than deal with the horn from the books that allows him to control dragons, it is revealed that Euron can warg. His eyes go white, we expect him to warg into one of the dragons, but then we

heres my prediction for Euron: Daenarys’ fleet runs into his, and we see a massive sea battle to start next season. Rather than deal with the horn from the books that allows him to control dragons, it is revealed that Euron can warg. His eyes go white, we expect him to warg into one of the dragons, but then we realize

Given that the “happy ending” would be Jon Snow as King, Daenarys as Queen, and Tyrion as Hand, we’re not getting that. Which of the three do you think make it to the end? I think Tyrion will die because that will suck the most, but I could also see Jon Snow dying but he and Daeny had already slept together and she is

whoa wtf is this customer service voice? GIVE ME BACK MY SON!!!!!!!

Early bird special

England is having a great week!

movie pitch: former football player start to believe he is touched by God, can heal people and see things. Turns out he just has CTE and he kills himself. Eh? EHHHH???

so i was trying to think of who Cersei could possibly get as an ally, since it feels like every character we care about is against her now. I’m wondering if the Greyjoy uncle Euron will abandon his plans to sail to Queen of Dragons and instead head to Cersei and try to wed her? Seems like you want all the assholes

boy I at least thought you were gonna tell us your wife lived in London or SOMETHING.

love picturing the poor guy that has to round up a report for the new gawker buyer about what types of articles Deadspin runs.

i will never understand the popularity of this game, that screenshot looks worse than Doom 2

waste your vote we don’t care the people who are refusing to vote for Hillary were never going to vote anyways so its really no loss. She will win in a landslide, because the internet is a giant clickbait monster that is only fed by negative articles and not actually a reflection of the majority of Americans.

what a mistake it was to let Harden walk and keep Ibaka. This trade doesn’t make up for that, but still impressed that they got this much for him, especially after the season he had.

i think id prefer autopsy photos over this fucking guys face

altho looking at the Grizzlies and how back to back years they pass over Westbrook Love Curry and Harden that is pretty rough ha.

2003 is obviously the first draft that comes to mind, but its also interesting to look at 2008. Rose going number one to the Bulls, and Westbrook staying till 4. obviously no way to predict the injuries, but if Bulls take Westbrook at 1 I think that would have won a championship.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that he went on a heater at a craps table, didn’t wanna leave, got drunk, then lost everything, then got more drunk, then took out more money, then lost everything at blackjack, then took out more money, then lost betting all of that on black, then got more drunk, then went to a