
go to article, skim article, don’t understand article, read rom roberts comment, understand life, repeat

i was taught in high school that Eli Whitney was black. I come from another Universe.

i legitimately forgot about Embiid. What a dumpster fire.

uh this looks bad

I think youre probably right, but it doesnt make for very good movie plotting. Much more interesting in Heat when De Niro can walk away but decides he has to get revenge on Wangro (sp?) and you can tell he knows its a one way ticket.


Id argue he does care about revenge, because I remember his henchman guy being like “quit toying with him and end it.” I think he wants to have his revenge but also get the money, strangely the movie doesnt choose to have him pick revenge over the gold though. He’s getting away if not for John.

dont want to watch but does he even take a sip from it? looks like hes holding a bottle of water already.


come on

Zoolander still surprisingly holds up. I think this will be pretty funny, the Beiber death scene was good.

this is awesome, but somebody please make a full lego model of just isla nublar in Jurassic Park. that would be amazing.


Im guessing McShane is bringing back the Hound. We’ll get one episode where we track the journey of him finding him, trying to help him, Hound dying, and then McShane using some God of Light stuff to bring him back. And then we all get to see zombie mountain vs zombie hound, for Cersei’s trial by combat. BRING IT

Harrison Ford wanted to kill off Han Solo in Return of the Jedi but Lucas said no. Mark Hamill wanted Luke to turn bad in Return of the Jedi and try to kill Han or Leia, but Lucas said no. Im guessing the main way they could get these guys on board was to pitch Han getting killed by Luke. Han has a shot to kill Kylo

I’m not the only one that thinks this is crazy that they are trying to hit him with this, right? I thought maybe this was after the game, out at a bar, and he was being a douche, but no, this was in the stadium, when he’s hyped up entering the field. Give me a break.

just go to Chik-fil-A people.

Oh man I remember in old Maddens when you could play with these teams. They were rated like 45 or something, very fun to beat your friend who played with the Chargers or something.

This is a great idea, but its really three posters smashed together. I wish there was no repeating characters, and we just had one Luke, Han, Vader, etc. Pick which third to put them on, and thats that. that would be a true epic poster. wish i had the skills.

i know it would be hard to do, but i kind of wish these were all to scale with each other