
THIS. She’s old enough now to have married had a couple kids, divorced... seen some REAL shit. And she’s still doing the “Dear Diary” nonsense. I confess, I can’t stand her voice, her lame lyrics, the absolute absence of any dynamic or flavor in her tunes. It’s a freakin Unhappy Meal. What happened to artists who sang

You’re husband is on to something. I can’t tell you how many white men I avoid at work because it’s easier than confronting them.

She still sounds like a teenager singing about boys.

Oh, get over yourself.

my gay perspective: not once was it mentioned this person is a male, and all the lyrics could easily apply to a woman.

While she wasn’t there while this conversation happened imagine what damage could have happened if she was. What’s worse it was recast with a white lead instead.

Her point about offering to give him a massage instead of accepting one is so telling. When we’re afraid we bargain and try to give narcissists what they want so we can minimize harm or plan our escape routes. I have no doubt that Weinstein will pretend that Nyong’o happily instigated the encounter. We smile at

I’d like to point out, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice, that six out of the twelve shown articles on mobile (I’m on an iPhone 5) are about rape or other forms of sexual misconduct.

It’s not surprising that she is so intelligent and well spoken. Woc need to be so much more qualified than whites to achieve equal success. You won’t find many woc actresses without a quality resume of stage work and acting schools.

My stomach was dropping the whole time I read this. I’m so glad she got away from him. I have no doubt that he would have raped her if he had a better chance to do so.

And then, knowing your company president who you’ve only met in passing is a monster, what do you do? Quit your dream job?

I’m not really on board with insulting and shaming every employee that worked for this company. I work for an organization with 12,000 employees. The number who have any real interaction with our head is vanishingly small. And even if I knew he had a terrible temper and/or had affairs, I wouldn’t quit my job. I’m

You can be a womaniser without being a rapist. I’ve worked with womanisers before (as well as women who cheated on their husbands). I mean, it sucks for their spouses but as long as the people they’re involved with are willing (truly willing, not pressured into it), there’s nothing illegal about that. The temper is

No, I don’t because it’s not. remotely. comparable. You are equating a faux movement about law enforcements alleged “victimhood” with the reality that these parents have in no instance in this series demonstrated that they should have had custody at the time of the children’s removal. I don’t care how petty your

I have handled hundreds of cases over 14 years as a parents’ attorney and as a guardian ad litem/legal counsel for the child. I can count on one hand the number of cases that I thought that CYS shouldn’t be involved or wrongfully placed a child. Maybe it’s not the same everywhere, but the standard to remove a child

I’ve definitely heard people complain about how CPS has taken their babies for NO REASON and it’s NOT FAIR, and 100% of the time, the people telling those stories that way are full of shit. At least here, whomever is compiling the stories isn’t getting them from people who have grievances against CPS, but from a mixed

This again?! Whenever she was in the right, CPS didn’t falsely accuse her of anything and when she was in the wrong, they got involved, I’m not seeing the problem here. After reading this series I actually have a lot more respect and trust in CPS than I used to.

One of our gunners once told me, after our torts final, that he thought it was too simple a test to separate the good students from people like me.

She’s completely unrelateable. Just watch her mannerisms, she has zero charisma and her awkwardness is off the charts. People can see just how hard she has to try and work to be just normal.