
At the rate he’s going, it’s not impossible that he’ll be impeached, removed, and imprisoned within 4 years. Admittedly, he’d have say/do something even the spineless congressional Republicans couldn’t stomach, and it’s hard to imagine what that might be.

I loved that multicolored zipper!

Kicker. Ha!

I believe that’s called The Art of the Deal.


Thanks, Anna. It was a really scary time...but just articulating it somehow helped. Once I put it out there, it was easier the next time. I hit on the right person when I finally connected with a therapist I’d seen several years before. She had the know-how to help me make a plan.

I know personal examples aren’t evidence, but when I was in a crisis in my (thankfully over) marriage, I asked my GYN for help after and appointment and she was dumbfounded. My ex was in the waiting room. She tried to give me a card with a domestic abuse hotline on it. I was pretty deflated as I’d built myself up to

I’m sorry you experienced this. I’m really glad you got out.

It’s a discount chain store like T.J. Maxx, but a bit more down market.

Oh, I have no doubt Wellbutrin is appropriate for many people and conditions. I’m speaking to the shared experience of having symptoms comfortably managed for a number of years and then having a new doc go whole-hog crazy to make an immediate switch to just Wellbutrin. It’s something I’ve heard from a number of people

Yeah. Me too. I’m good with it...and why not? I finally accepted that I just do better this way.

Sorry you had to go through that. What is it with docs’ Wellbutrin love? Do they get a bonus for prescribing it or something? I had to switch psychologists due to insurance and the new one was all about getting me on Wellbutrin and off everything else. I’m way past letting some yahoo doc monkey with my meds, so I

I have no sympathy. None. They wanted to burn the world and now they’re feeling the heat.

Hope they’re not married...that would make this just typical (wealthy) teenage stupidity, which everyone is entitled to. I mean, he’s a southern dude with loser tats, a shitty band, and a completely ignorant read on history...meh. At least he’s age-appropriate.

Me too. Young Fidel, I mean. The man had swagger.

It’s going to awkward when real God comes along and wants that license plate.

My feelings exactly. I want her to challenge, but damn, she’s done so much already!

The Republican Congress has a hardon to throw her in jail. They could spend the next 4 years dragging in to testify every other day. The only thing standing between her and that bullshit is the president-elect’s announcement that he doesn’t want to hurt the Clintons. How quickly would he change his mind if she

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Delightful! Well done.