Seems redundant. A $1500-2000 system should be able to run everything on max or near max.
Seems redundant. A $1500-2000 system should be able to run everything on max or near max.
Caring about your arbitrary imaginary skill ranking in a video game instead of just messing around with your friends in arcade in 2017 LUL.
I’m bored of Minecraft says bandwagoning man-child 5 years too late. It’s just not fun for me anymore now that I don’t make nearly as much money as I used to selling out.
I know I sound like a whiny bitch saying this but it’s still kind of fucking lazy considering how much they recycled. Also the last episode was the Tournament of Power kickoff that we’ve been waiting for fucking weeeeeks to start and they just recycle a bunch of old shit instead of making something new and fun? Fuck.
Love 9 so much but the last part of the game left me so completely confused as a kid when that big blue final boss comes out of nowhere like “lol I’m the final boss sup”
eh no more of a time sink than current WoW, just instead of sinking your time into arbitrary grinding for certain things in end game, in TBC the grind was more persistent/consistent from 1-70 and didn’t feel overly repetitive.
I’m sure he never expected quite as much acclaim as he got, especially since the idea of an every man for himself battle royale game concept is not exactly brand spanking new. I think the competitive fps gamers out there are just very hungry for something different than CoD/Battlefield/CS.
Yeah it’s just a headache to look at. I didn’t mind it as a kid but now if there’s no UI customization/hiding option it’s a hard pass for me.
*contines to happily pummel the shit out of everything Devil May Cry style as a ninja in BDO*
As others have already put it, I actually thought it added an element of drama that wouldn’t be present if they were just regular gameplay segments. It felt very personal and emotional.
It never really bothered me that much, rather I found it interesting since I hadn’t seen a game take that sort of approach before. You did still get to intervene at certain points and play out a boss battle here and there though. And he’s right, I wouldn’t have been fully satisfied or as satisfied as I was if the game…
Uhhh how long are you permitted to stay
More confusing than watching starcraft or league? ehhh
Damn even your user name is BLAME! related, congrats on bonding over something cool like that.
Played this for a few hours and while the combat is decent (albeiet eventually it gets repetative like any game) and the environment/world is sort of interesting, other than that the game is really lacking in any sort of depth or motivation for your character. It feels difficult to invest yourself in the game’s…
Unnecessary pandering really, but I don’t care either way if you label your characters as blind/deaf/autistic or whatever other special unique disability or race you might be a part of, at the end of the day all that shit is just background filler meant to appease people’s mary sue fantasies, it really makes no…
My initial reaction was “Wow that’s really sad” but upon reconsideration what these girls are doing is pretty much the same as someone streaming on twitch asking for your $5 sub, in a way at least. It becomes sad if there’s a romantic or sexual connotation implied but it doesn’t seem that way at all so yeah, smart…
The lines between reality and parody are becoming very blurry
The one thing that worries me about this game is the pacing, it seems a little too slow/painstaking of a crawl. Is it more puzzle and getting past obstacles than FPS/shooter? If so I’ll probably pass which is too bad because it looked fun at first now I’m not so sure.