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Seems a lot of people at Kotaku don’t realize you can just link to a timestamp

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Seems a lot of people at Kotaku don’t realize you can just link to a timestamp

Talk about obscenely stupid.

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Thought the new skin was Raiden inspired now I think even more so

They should get the full 20 years. A strong message about swatting needs to be sent these days, eventually someone is actually going to die from this dumb shit.

Until they balance revenge I won’t be going back

That’s my handsome clown boy, have I told you about the clown wars?

I have mild trypophobia but yeah even I’m pretty disturbed

Ironically this is actually more incentive for me to buy the game than if it had normal animations. I love getting into these dialogue heavy RPGs with a homonculus of my own creation walking around completely destroying all immersion. Gives me a giggle.

This new era of being actually relentlessly chastised for making jokes is becoming more and more dystopian. Very scary to me how we’re starting to slip dangerously back towards overly PC culture thanks to social media policing.

Very eloquently put and encapsulates just why BotW works so well as an open world game. There is novelty everywhere, other open world developers should pay close attention to what BotW has accomplished that others fail to achieve.

Ubisoft on the other hand fully embraces it, and while many of their titles end up being underwhelming, they make bank off Youtuber promotion.

The fact that they couldn’t get their main launch game to run at a consistent 30 FPS at LEAST is kind of embarrassing for Nintendo imo.

“Well people were playing Reinhardt too much so we made a second Reinhardt and put bastion’s gun on it and gave it a mini Zarya ultimate.”- Blizzard, masters of game balance. 

Surprised I haven’t seen any art of Winston sucking on her banana horns yet

Yeah the fact that it’s a fictional story in a video game kind of makes their argument moot.

Hey guys, we heard you like shields in Overwatch, so we put a shield on our new long range tank hero so you can shield while you shoot!

It just makes you wonder if they do more direct testing rather than playing practical matches to test balance changes. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to see that bastion healing straight through ultimates is wonky.