Shit, kids at Cornell started drinking at 3 on Thursdays whether or not there was class on Friday.
Shit, kids at Cornell started drinking at 3 on Thursdays whether or not there was class on Friday.
Marcia Clark revisionism, what a time to be alive.
There are no words to describe how here for this show I am. It’s either going to be good, which is good, or it’s going to be a mess, which is great.
she fails to understand the racial complexities of the case until it is much too late,
The replies you’re getting here are pretty telling (and disappointing). OK, so folks don’t like using the word “racism” to only mean “institutional racism.” Fine. But do people really not get that there’s a huge difference between an individual person being prejudiced (and yes, that can include people of color who are…
Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi…
To be fair, John is an exec producer of Lip Synch Battle, which is hosted by LL Cool J and Chrissy Tiegen, both people of color. It's not huge or a prestige project, but he's also not a major power player (yet) in Hollywood. So, he did put at least some of his money where his mouth is.
Acknowledging does plenty. It’s a healthy start. Haven’t you ever been in an argument where your point is clear as day and obvious, but getting nowhere because the other person refuses to acknowledge it?
“There were no Oscar worthy performances from PoC in either Creed or Compton.”
Because they didn’t care.
Nothing threatens white institutions like the potential loss of a lot of money.
She’s thin, she’s white, she’s the daughter of famous Hollywood people.
A number of posters who currently work in the industry said otherwise last year around Oscar time, specifically citing the Mo’Nique incident as a tipping point, but it’s totally possible that they were wrong/making it up.
I don’t know how much mojo Krasinski has to change the films that are being made. Ms. Witherspoon is now the producer of two major films featuring women that were highly regarded and successful. I’d like to see her produce more films written by women and PoC.
This makes me sad that a website for grown women is following the rest of the media in fetishizing the teenage offspring of two formerly good-looking and famous people. That’s the entire sum of her ‘talent’ and no good can come of thrusting a fifteen year old into fame as we have seen time and time again. Sad all…
You know, I gotta be honest. As gorgeous as young Johnny Depp was, I would have expected his daughter to be more...Deppy.
What the fuck, there is not a dearth of movies featuring white women in Hollywood.
Contracted by who?