bess marvin girl detective

don’t feed the troll. Someone posts the call for “proof” one every one of these stories.

I am not American Indian but I think Adam Beach should be in all the movies because he is a great actor and he also happens to be pretty hot. So I support this motion.

Another question that should be asked is if she chooses people of color to work in the movies she produces? Not just actors but screenwriters, costume designers, cinematographers...she owns a production company and is an A lister. She can use more than her vote to change the real problem.

Yawn...>I mean what else are they going to say when confronted with this question. Of course they’re going to criticize it publicly. They can criticize it all day. Are they doing anything about it? Nope.

And, neither shall boycott. Because, other than Jada, Will, and Spike, no one else likely will either.

John Krasinski made a Michael Bay movie about Benghazi. He doesn’t get to have opinions on things anymore.

I always enjoy seeing sycophants jump on the moving train's caboose after it’s left the station.

It’s great that they’re speaking out, but they need to back this up with action, not just words.

Let me get this straight. The Oscars don’t want to give rightful nominations to black people but they want them to serve the the award to the white winners to make up for it?