There are people whose lives are every bit the level of misery depicted in this show.
There are people whose lives are every bit the level of misery depicted in this show.
Lotus dude is Stone.
I love the Hand, so I'd be disappointed if things didn't get supernatural. However, I doubt they'll go overboard with it.
BTW, I was talking about genuinely treating the wound, not field-work. I may have been mistaken in assuming your ER doc was talking about actual treatment too? Because in the field, unless it's a sucking chest wound, there's not much you'd do for a GSW beyond heavy bandaging to stop bleeding, and start treatment for…
I take things too literally sometimes and just typed for five minutes before realizing what I was doing.
In how many shows would he have done just that though? I wanted to give him a hug. I hated that he ended up murdered.
I was a little uncomfortable about how much I liked Vladimir these last couple of episodes.
Someone was having fun with you. You don't leave a bullet in a patient unless removing it has a very high likelihood of killing them. Initially it's a probable source of infection, and subsequently a lifelong source of inflammation which can migrate around within the body to devastating effect. Further more, you…
I assumed that he knew the guy was a drug mule and didn't consider him an innocent bystander.
Judith Delgado is Puerto Rican, so she's almost certainly a native speaker, but she's also lived in the continetal US for over three decades. I believe her late husband was Venezuelan (or at least of Venezuelan descent). Long association with a different accent/dialect could also have influenced her own speech.
There's a whole lot of really improbable, but not impossible. Many people have undertaken amazing feats despite grisly injuries. And regarding the fire extinguisher bit: I mean, Alan Magee survived a fall of over four miles and crashing through a glass ceiling.
I'm made uncomfortable by how much I like his character.
I think it looks more like wax. I have no idea why they would give it that texture if it were supposed to be blood. Or perhaps it's meant to be evocative of both. Regardless, it's a gorgeous title sequence.
I can confirm these rumors.
The filmmakers claim that it was designed to include cuts if necessary, but that they weren't necessary and it is in fact a single-take. I suppose they could be lying, but that seems to be a silly thing to lie about.
Because Vondie Curtis Hall is amazing and should be in all the things.
She's Puerto Rican, but has lived in Miami or New York for decades.
The actress is originally Puerto Rican but has been on the mainland (specifically New York CIty and Miami) for decades.
I really like Vladimir, which surprises me.