
I also wish they had gone with a different ailment for Mrs. Urich. We now have three MCU lady-loves with dementia (don't forget modern day Peggy). With Marlene, it was necessary for the plot. With Peggy, it was all about the feels, and they didn't know they would need to use it again. With Doris… it's just unnecessary

This season is Kingpin's origin story as much as Daredevil's. I think he'll get there.

I am SHOCKED, just shocked, I say!

I don't you'll see stilted, stuttering Fisk in the future. I didn't mind it at all. He hadn't accepted who and what he was. That internal turmoil affected his self confidence. But he's past that now. Unless he has a moment of particular emotional fragility with Vanessa, I doubt that side of him will be back.

All legit.

Goddard wrote the first two episodes and left before the show was even cast.

There are lots of reasons for Matt to have a problem with that. He clearly puts stock in professional ethics, so he's going to do the best job he can to legally serve his client, but he doesn't want to get a murderer off by cheating. The woman doesn't deserve to be manipulated in that way, and once she's thoroughly

I don't know. I'll watch that detail more closely on my rewatch, but again, with my acquaintances, while their eyes certainly don't "track" things, they do move quite a lot - particularly just before turning their face in the direction of stimulus (a sound, slight breeze, or sudden directional sensation of cold or

I know three blind people, all of whom almost always face the other speakers when in conversation.

He had his sperm preserved for his own later use, because he knew that he would be infertile if he recovered from his cancer. He did NOT donate it.

My fiancé is the greatest guy on the planet. So… no. Keep yer waffles. ;P

I think Jemma had already snuck the original into his bags. "You might as well have packed my bags yourself."

I thought the giant bloody splinter was less realistic than the camera. That thing should've stayed in his chest until he was on an operating table. Pulling it before you have hemostats in hand is just begging to bleed out. Basic first-aid training tells you that (never mind the level of training a field agent should

I've struggled with the fallout of my own (trauma-induced) brain damage for nearly 10 years, and I agree completely. His arc this season has mirrored the first 6 months of my recovery. And I STILL have good days and bad days. Since that first 6 months, my good days leave me hunting for the right word a dozen times a

Just in terms of my brain trauma induced aphasia, it took me about 6 months to go from incapable of finishing any sentence, to having trouble finding the right word maybe a dozen times a day. In 10 years, there hasn't been any further improvement. I've loved his story. It has been the first realistic long-term

Worst. Advice. Ever.

I agree that he didn't leave in a huff. It was all carefully orchestrated. As soon as he saw the measurements that she was taking, he figured out what she was doing. However, I think that she packed it. I think that he was asking if she did when he said (not a direct quote) "You might as well have packed my bags

The show may not have called her Mockingbird, but there's no reason she couldn't have that name, much like Hawkeye and Black Widow (other mere agents) have "code names" for lack of a better word. I totally get your complaint about the dearth of superheroes, but I don't think that means Bobbi never has been and never

LOL. That isn't the problem. We like to watch things together, but we don't have the same watching style.

Never have I been quite so happy not being one of "most people". Now, I just have to figure out how my fiancé and I are going to work around our differences in TV consumption preference on this one…