
Because authenticity in this context is a judgement call based on lived experience, it's incredibly subjective. Clearly you can't see that. Please, tell me how wrong I am, so you can get in the last word, because I stand by my assertion and I'm done with this conversation.

You're the one that suggested the scene was inauthentic. I was trying to point out that authenticity in that context is incredibly subjective. You're the one that equated a lack authenticity with bad writing, which is a meaningless equation when different groups of people will differ on whether the scene in question

So, because you can't relate to a scene, it's "bad writing", even though a lot of other people can relate to it?

Well, my watch party group had an "OMG, I've met that guy" moment when we watched, so we certainly read him as plenty authentic.

"Dana Baratta’s script lays it on pretty thick when it comes to the man’s wildly inappropriate behavior"

I don't know if they've stated DD2's release month outright, but it did start shooting a good 6 weeks before LC1.

Yeah. The show that eats a guy's screaming face off on screen is NOT going to be so coy depicting the death of a beloved character.

If your assessment of Carol were correct, she would've killed Lizzie long before Lizzie killed Mika.

No one wants to know this, but I ship Fitz and Cisco like you wouldn't believe.

I've been a comic book fan since the mid-80s, and this is my favorite show on network TV.

Yep. His recovery was very similar to my own. I hope he has occasional problems crop up (my dysphasia still rears its head, and I have to make an effort to keep my short term memory deficits from being to intrusive), but I wouldn't call it unbelievable or inaccurate if he's had a complete recovery.

Two words: alternate universe

Callis is Sid's tiny white twin.

God, I love Bashir, SO MUCH.

Exactly what it sounds like. It's a wound in the chest wall that sucks air into the extrapleural space when the diaphragm contracts to create the vacuum needed to facilitate inhalation.

Daredevil is currently filming and officially will not be at SDCC.

Not very surprising, since Matt's a defense attorney. It was actually kind of unusual for him to take a civil suit.

Obviously we'll get some sort of reboot handwave to deal with his disbarment and secret identity reveals.

Illegal to have, illegal to use, illegal to sell, illegal to buy, but is it specifically illegal to give them away?

Well, Matty's been practicing law since at least '64, meaning he'd've been born in the late 30s. A Vietnam War vet could easily have been born as much as 15 years later. I don't think his age is that much of a problem.