
Your statement appeared to be a rebuke of Cyrano's request for common sense weapon checking, and seemed to imply that it would've taken too much time to show it being done properly. I understood you to be hyperbolic, but I agree with Cyrano, that the exchange was sloppy and it didn't make sense.

He's from Georgia. If his family were convicted criminals that served their sentences, they could vote.

Or they could've spent 2 seconds showing someone handing over a little slip of paper with a background view of one pile of guns and another of magazines. You don't have to show every little step to show that something was done right.

When you live with a man that will beat you for the least imagined infraction, becoming a good actress is just self-preservation.

SPOILER ALERT: Soylent green is people!

Acorns are edible. They're just terrible and too much work.

I didn't see Ledger in that performance at all. It looked more like a Nicholson impression to me.

What? You don't think it's realistic that a member of Apollo 8's command crew (launch date 12-21-68, landing date 12-27-68) could also have flown as a combat pilot for several tours in Vietnam before being captured in early '69?! You're just a cynic. I mean, he totally could've flown some early tours before entering

Really? Which genre shows follow that trend? Alias fits the bill. Buffy had Willow, Cordy, Faith, Dawn, and Anya. La Femme Nikita had Madeline. Birds of Prey and Charmed are obviously out. True Blood had Tara, Arlene, Jessica, and Pam. Black Orphan has (aside from Maslany's MANY leads) Mrs. S, Kira, and Delphine.

I didn't find the Hellboy movies agonizingly pretentious, nor were they very… Marvel, for lack of a better description, though I don't know how you define the Marvel approach.

He also has a fairly big role as a recurring character on Being Mary Jane, which may have had something to do with him not coming on as regular cast.

SWORD is off limits as it originated in an X-Men book.

SWORD is off limits because it originated in an X-Men book.

I don't think Mack is dead. I expect that whatever was fueling his alien rage protected him from the brunt of that fall.

The Bible is the most "hugely popular book" of all time

Whether you doubt the existence of Moses or not, Ramesses II and his homeland were real.

Perhaps most of it is false. If so, that's a bit of a relief, but there's video of the utterly disgusting rape "joke", and at least a few things were reported in Moran's article for The Times.

oh… oh, that's just heartbreaking. i had no idea.

I meant ritualized, but yeah.

13 definitely had an "anything to win" attitude that I consider immoral, as well as micromanaging every aspect of their citizens lives, even more so than in Panem. They didn't require child sacrifice, but they weren't a burgeoning utopia just waiting to break free the yoke of tyranny or anysuch romantic BS.