
I want to like this more than once. Curse you, Internet! (I would hashtag "foiled again!" here, but then that guy who downvotes hashtags would come and get me).

We have a greater percent of our population behind bars than any nation in recorded history. It sounds to me like a lot of people are doing it better.

Definitely! ^This, heightened awareness of rape culture, and the fact that there are more and more people hearing about these allegations who are not blinded by nostalgia since The Cosby Show ended over 2 decades ago.

Since it is also illegal to falsely accuse someone of rape, how does one equally assume that all 14 parties are innocent? Honestly curious.

Big Hero SiXXX?

In the MCU, Tony was born in 1970, so his dad may've been in his 60s.

If I had an employee leaking proprietary material, I'd be pretty "butt hurt" about it. For them to have access to the trailer, this was likely someone they trust and pay. They have every right to find out who it is.

Of course Captain 'Murica likes his own posts. Why would anyone expect any different?

I enjoy The Flash but don't find it particularly inspired. It feels a lot like Smallville to me. Jane is clever and fresh, and despite its absurdities, one of the most natural things on TV to me, by which I mean that while the situations are ridiculous, I completely buy the characters and their reactions and

As a sufferer of traumatic brain injury who still consistently has trouble with language eight years later, I very much prefer this more realistic representation.

My bad. I read it as main character, rather than title.

Torchwood, House of Cards, Homicide, Skins, Hollyoaks, Gossip Girl… Though I don't think my ability to name six such series invalidates your point at all.

Man-Eating Cow > Batcow

Kingswood Oxford in Hartford costs almost $36k/year, not including a number of other annual costs such as a $500 activities fee and $400-800 in books.

She started as a maid and spent over a decade working her way up to hotel manager. The median salary for a hotel manager is nearly 100k/year. (source:… )

I was hoping that this comment was literal. Alas.

I disagree. If a male teacher wore short-shorts or had his shirt unbuttoned half-way down, I would find that equally unacceptable as a female teacher in very short skirts. It's about dressing for the job and presenting a professional image. While capslocking "find longer skirts" may not have been the ideal expression,

Personally, I fully support a woman's right to dress however she wants on the job. I'm going to wear some lingerie to my shift at the hospital tonight. Tomorrow night, I'm considering my Jedi costume, but I haven't decided just yet.

I don't think it necessarily excludes bald, but I think it pretty well excludes a man that's built like a tank.

The term (coined in the Meiji era - mostly the latter third of the 19th century) was applied specifically to adolescent boys in large part because of their androgyny. The prefix "bi" specifically refers to feminine beauty. It has always been an erotic term, made to describe a sort of idealized young homosexual lover