
You have a very different idea of what constitutes bishōnen than I have. Creel is pretty much the opposite of androgynous, for instance.

I have dysnomia (trouble remembering words) from a severe concussion. It was pretty bad for at least 6 months after the injury, and 8 years later I still have problems.

It amazes me that this is a show that started with Sheldon and Leonard going to a sperm bank. Can anyone imagine current Sheldon even contemplating walking near the door of such a place?

How does this not have dozens of upvotes?

I really liked the first half of that one. I spent the second half alternating between inappropriate laughter and praying that it was about to end.

I LOVE that movie. I saw it in the theater and whenever anyone asked me about it, I had to preface my opinions with, "Well… I can't exactly recommend it, but…"

Yes, it's the most populous state. Yes, it has the highest GDP. It still isn't the largest.

California is the third largest state. You could fit 3.67 Californias in Alaska, and 1.67 Californias in Texas.

Excellent point!

As much as I hate that word, that was brilliant.

Yep. And in episode commentary, she mentions the royalty situation.

But Spock was obvs the sex kitten. I mean… really. Mrrow.


Now I have to sob for three hours. Thanks.

I'm so glad this place brought me to you two! Even though we really only started getting to know each other a few months ago, I feel like I've known y'all forever. Love you guys bunches and SO GLAD we have facebook! (never thought I'd say that last half-sentence…)

Everyone knows that, among the Vorta, only Yelgrun attends raves.

May I also recommend "The Never-Ending Sacrifice". It is a phenomenal stand-alone book (regardless of setting or genre) that just happens to tie into our little corner of the quadrant via Rugal, the fauxorphaned Cardassian from season two, repatriated from Bajor against his will.

The Sisko is such a strong ta'veren that he spun everyone else into this tapestry of galactic importance… Right?

All the hugs, bro!