
No they don't. They court and almost run away together, but they don't have sex. it's never even implied unless I somehow repressed the memory… Not impossible, I suppose, but it seems unlikely.

Baby Bashir (stealing a runabout?) flying into Cardassian space and confronting ENABRAN FUCKING TAIN is one of my favorite moments EVER.


The creator of the Phantom Dennis (Cordy's ghost on "Angel") lamented that he didn't have a physical appearance because she missed out on those sort of royalties on that technicality.

I saw what you did there. It was genius. And hilarious.

I think I would've loved Ezri Tigan, if SHE had joined the station.

Or, he dropped Fitz/Simmons to get them out of Garrett's reach in hopes that they would be rescued.

Nor do we see who was holding that gun. I think that Garrett shot Buddy, but it's just a theory. I kinda doubt that they'll bother telling us.

I read that as Agent Switch Hitler. Either way.

Not that Phil wasn't all in, but didn't Garrett technically kill those guys at the Guest House?

They really had a more platonic intimacy that Quark wanted more from. It was actually a pretty great relationship, in my opinion.

Is it necessarily a contradiction? Cases like Archer Sr.'s could easily have lead to reform.

Since the clones weren't yet complete, it may not contradict "A Man Alone". The murdered clone was complete, had he not been, it may not've been a crime. We don't know.

I believe that the enslavement of Ferengi females is a little worse than is implied by the word "sexism".

Wait… Kaga or Kalaw? Because Kaga would make an awesome Chancellor. Kalaw, not so much.

Not to mention that we really don't see any females that are happy with the status quo, which gives him the probable support of half the population from the start.

I will never forgive them for letting that relationship fall aside.


I never bought Garrett as the Clairvoyant. I'm still holding out hope that it's Zola.

I thought Fitz's freakout was earned. He's always come off as pretty high strung. Along with the sci/spec rivalry, he seemed to look up to Ward. They established a great rapport in The Hub, and it was really solidified when Ward saved Simmons in FZZT.