
I think that I declared in the moment: This CGI is so horrible and I so don't care!

The Romulan mind probes were used on Bashir and Sloan by the Tal Shiar in Inter Arma Silent Leges just seven episodes before this one.

He may be a politician, but he's a politician in a society that only lets you keep what you can defend. I wouldn't have bought him as a push-over in combat.

A Burning House is a decent Trek novel that features Rodek (née Kurn) and his memory alterations. It might be even better after the IKS Gorkon trilogy, but I read it without the others and I thought that it stood alone just fine.

Yes. If it were "just" Ezri Tigan, she would've ended up with Bashir, too. I only mind the pairing because I cannot stand Ezri.

He fought aliens? From space?

Welcome to the internet. We have hyperbole.

I loved it. Bucky is rediscovering himself AND his best friend. I got all kinds of warm fuzzies. The twins, on the other hand, looked straight out of a Japanese horror flick…

Their best individual character movie is a short: All Hail the King.

I completely expect Steve to be killed & Bucky to take over. I also expect it to take, unlike in the comics.

Haven't all of the Marvel movies with 2 stingers used this format? First you get the larger-universe tie-in or reveal, then pull back in for something more intimate and specific to the current movie…

I didn't find Tennant remotely likeable as Barty Crouch, Jr.

How quickly we forget the dead goldshirts…

Heh. I once had a pet red eft named Elmo.

I had been under the impression that his crush on her was fairly brief before they discovered that the attraction was mutual, but that they then delayed becoming involved because they were worried about their working relationship.

If you're referring to Sid and Nana's relationship, you must know a lot more about it than I'm aware of them having disclosed.

But I love Byron… Of course, I'm talking about the 6th Baron of Rochdale…

I don't particularly care about this project one way or another, but for those of you wondering about the copyright situation, the characters are public domain (at least until further appeal).

Oh, Gilora. If the writers were trying to quash any notion of Garak being attracted to Bashir, how could they possibly think it wise to reveal that Cardassians flirt by being contrary? One would think they'd never seen/read/written a conversation between the two.

Bashir never gets sassy on his own behalf.