
Right there with you, Lurky.

"Kalaw's Klingon Kitchen" per "Legends of the Ferengi"

Let me join Buckaroo in urging you to visit the facebook establishment… unless, of course, you value your free time.

I hope I didn't imply that any new perspective I might achieve would be somehow more positive than the heights of disdain that I currently hold for these episodes…

Thank you, m'dear. You're too, too kind! After I savor a few, perhaps I'll gain a new perspective.

There's really just nothing to say.

Lucas never seemed concerned with that kind of depth of thought, but they get it right in the EU.


I dunno… I think the characters of Trek clearly embrace Shakespeare more than our own time… and Vic is Bashir's program and Bashir has already been shown to have a fondness for that era and aesthetic with his Bond programs.

I'm tempted to downvote you for downvoting Michael… even though I agree with you about "Take Me Out to the Holosuite".

You, me, and every other Niner I know.

I'm in the midst of a rewatch as my fiance watches the show straight through for the first time. We're only in the latter end of the first season. Since I'll have to watch "Profit and Lace" with him in solidarity, there's no way I'm rewatching it now, too!

15? What? He was discovered in 2337 after being adrift in space for an indeterminate period of time, making him more than 30 in the pilot. We don't know how old he is, or at what rate the Founders mature. We don't know if they have a developmental stage that is in any way analagous to human adolescence. We don't even

Voyager on TV Classic is possibly the only way I would get around to watching the whole series.

That's my favorite of his voices.

He's still fit and is much better looking nowadays. I hold out hope!

People go to QUARK when they have problems?! Which people are those?!

I adore Vic. There's a short-story in which ***SPOILERS TO A SHORT-STORY NOT THE SHOW*** VIc's sentience is revealed to be Pup from the episode Forsaken. I love that explanation.

Bashir/Garak, until the Powers that Be broke them up.

My coworkers number in the 60-70 range and there's almost always someone getting married or having a baby, often multiple people. On a ship the size of the Enterprise, it doesn't surprise me at all that those two things might happen on the same day.