
FB group?

I'm not much of a Janeway fan, but one only needs to look at the recent poll of "Captain You'd Most Like to Meet", in which she came in SECOND after Picard, to see that she has a very enthusiastic fanbase.

Amen, Abby. Besides, who the Hell gets to decide if you're a "fake" anyway?

Aha. :) Not confused anymore. I think that they would still have communication capability, but I suppose they don't spell it out.

I want more Handles. I need a one off story with Van Gogh, Papa Noble, & Handles going on some manner of adventure with or without a Doctor.


It was only really sealed during the off-season: at most, three months, closing at the end of 06x26 and re-opening at the end of 07x02. The wormhole didn't exist at the time, so I'm pretty sure that no one was in contact with the Gamma Quadrant during that brief window.

The wormhole was never sealed. It was rendered impassable by a field of self-replicating mines for five episodes (from "Call to Arms" to "Favor the Bold"), but nothing that would've prohibited communication. Weyoun 6 knew by "Treachery, Faith and the Great River" that the morphogenic virus was

The publisher's description:


Bashir didn't have a particularly willing patient. Until he was solid, Odo didn't seem particularly interested in Bashir doing any tests on him unless absolutely necessary (something I'd attribute to his childhood as a guinea pig).

Ben would've made an awesome Kai.


Thanks! I didn't realize it was that obscure. I've (sadly?) read all of the DS9 novels, and I can't keep track of what's canon and what's EU.

That Sanctuary District becomes a lot more feasible if you just move it across the bay.

Whatever labels the two sides wear at any given point, the people assisting your enemy are still "the enemy" and not "your own".

I love that episode. Sloan is effing perfect in it.

All of my (sadly) many non-Trekkie friends really enjoyed both movies as popcorn flicks, which kind of amuses me. Presumably, all of the nods to previous continuity are for our benefit, as long-time fans, but they piss most(?) of us off while new viewers seem to mostly be scratching their heads at our unfathomable

I agree wholeheartedly!

Why do we think that Dr. Mora was involved? Because 31 had his early data on Odo, or because he came to Earth to purportedly help Starfleet develop a way of detecting the Founders?