
I didn't get the impression that they realized that the morphogenic virus was a biological weapon until Bashir stumbled across that ugly little truth. Odo certainly didn't know, and I doubt that the other Founders would've hesitated to rub that little fact in his face.


-3 yesterday.

Pressman wasn't recruited by 31 until after he was court martialed and drummed out of service, so he was never SI & 31 at the same time.

I've decided that the runabout was left as bait. If things didn't pan out with the destruction of B'hava'el and its environs, then when the Feds came looking for their little lost lambs, they could be lured into an ambush, which could be prepared as soon as anyone came through the wormhole from the Alpha side.

Past Tense makes me more than a little uncomfortable, with our current vilification of poverty.

My dog is really into oo-mox…

Aw. Someone downvoted it. Now I wanna downvote their downvote.

Oh, I think it was very cleverly done, and I actually enjoy the AbramsVerse, not as much as what I consider real Trek, but still. I think they're fun movies. You just have to turn your brain off, for the second one in particular.

The Doctor's past still exists and he still remembers it all.

He did, but he didn't. Everything may be canon, but from the perspective of the main characters, none of it happened. It isn't part of their continuity, so in the context of their story, beyond triggering their timeline, TrekPrime is essentially meaningless.

Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi

Collaborators aren't "their own" though. Collaborators are the enemy.


I think I've recovered. That kanar really helped.

Don't mind if I do! Thank you so much.

But have you read The Crimson Shadow? (Not quite spoilers.) Garak has a new pet doctor! Both books are phenomenal.


This too.