
The Queen of Cardassia! I adore Una McCormack. There just aren't enough wonderful things to be said about her development of Cardassia and its culture.

I liked Plagues of Night and Raise the Dawn, and I LOVED A Ceremony of Losses, though I had a few quibbles.

I've really liked most of his books that I've read, but, my god, Zero Sum Game was awful…

I honestly don't think that any of our Feds would consciously support those tactics at all, as evidenced by how Sisko reacts to the way things pan out next week. Kira & Odo, on the other hand, I could see as being a little more ambivalent, but even then, I doubt they would support their organization using those

I agree that it's troubling, but it's also common. Many Americans support our drone warfare in the Middle East, but if China were to target an influential Tibetan separatist on US soil with significant collateral damage, I don't think many Americans would find it acceptable just because China considered the target a

I think they would all want to bring it down, simply because the organization came after their friend. It's easy to support those kind of tactics when they're being wielded against some faceless other. I'd imagine it's a little harder to swallow when a man you've lived beside, worked beside, fought beside and been

My eyes are leaking and I can't stop cackling with delight!

My medical experience with other reptilian species would lead me to strongly discourage that. Being cold-blooded, you can't always tell that you're gradually burning yourself. It could ultimately prove fatal.


If that were the case, I doubt that he would've retained "Siddig". He isn't shy about talking about being typecast for his ethnic background; I don't see why he would hesitate to say that he adopted a stage name due to discrimination.


He didn't hesitate to describe his treatment as torture, and he didn't seem particularly thrilled by the order. I think that watching everyone he cared about turn against him was fairly traumatizing. Obviously it's only my perception.

I'm at work and I sadly haven't had the opportunity to read through all the comments, and won't be able to until later today, so I apologize if I'm just aping someone before me. I have a problem with Sisko rather blithely ordering Bashir to join up with the people who just tortured him for days. I wish that hadn't

As Statler's fiancée and the person who took the photo, I'm pretty sure I would remember if it turned into an orgy… Sorry to disappoint.

The movie over all didn't scare me (I was watching stuff like Alien at the age of 5 because my dad is epic), but the skittering sound that the Garthim make still kinda freaks me out… I don't think I would've appreciated this version back then, but I love that it's available now. Even with the ubiquitous

Or single malt!

Maybe not so early in the series, but Julian is pretty martial for a doctor. He shoots mirror!Odo. He leads a Geurilla group against the Circle, He shoots some Klingons during the First Battle of DS9, not to mention all kinds of Jem'Hadar during the war… He even shanks one Jem'Hadar under the chin…

bes'bev is my twitter account… not quite sure how I got logged in under it…