
I'm not quite sure how I go logged in under my twitter account… but bes'bev is me…

He'll be 25 in a month. I could be mistaken, but I believe that the original Barry Allen was younger than that when the Flash was first introduced. I also think that Oliver Queen has always been older than Barry Allen… This actor may not look like a superhero, but at least he looks like a scientist.

Why thank you, m'dear! I do hope it's the blue kind…

I laughed. I cried. I howled at the alt-text…

BTW, folks should check out this webcomic:…
It's the characters of TNG playing a tabletop RPG (not a LARP, contrary to the title) which happens to be DS9. It's effing brilliant. Seriously.

They would still need a Science Officer, who could easily have been another female.

He didn't break up with her, but he did freak right the hell out and go back to his own quarters.

Thank you, Lt. Cmdr. Data. :D

Your super mega spoilers have me laughing out loud in my ICU at three in the morning…

Y'all both just made me all kinds of happy. There will forever be unpenned fanfic of this idea running around in my brain.

Amen times several.

I think I would've adored Ezri Tigan. I just can not buy her as a Dax. However, I will admit that my opinion of her is STRONGLY colored by the early Relaunch novels.

Forgive the repetitiveness! I feel like I've said this ten times on this article. But Ezri was so different from Jadzia, that I really didn't mind Ezri/Bashir (despite finding Ezri annoying beyond belief). She was young, cute, and a out of her depth. Julian would've been fawning over her if she hadn't been a Dax. I

I'm not an Ezri fan at all. In fact, I wish she didn't exist. Even so, and despite being a rabid Bashir fan, I would've happily traded "Chrysalis" for an Ezri episode.



I would've liked Ezri/Jake MUCH better.

I could've easily seen him getting maudlin over being lonely, with or without bringing Palis into it. I just don't buy resurrecting a crush that hard when it's over someone he sees on a daily basis.

LOL. Don't even get me started on Ezri.

He suggested that his employers wouldn't appreciate the generation of an extra article, so he may not be free to change his mind in this instance.