
I do love his movies, but there’s something unbearably smug about him. And it comes across in these kinds of moments. Like he needs to have his joke. I dunno - could be jealously I guess.

I think that at the time, people did expect another Indy film so were a little disappointed but over the years has been judged in its own right as a good blockbuster. 

Funny how it’s always the hugely successful companies that screw over their employees. It’s almost like that’s how you get to be hugely successful in the first place. 

I’d suggest the more traditional seasons (I’m Alan Partridge and Knowing Me, Knowing You) as introductions (especially the Christmas special, Knowing Me, Knowing Yule). And the recent From the Oasthouse is just out and out one of the funniest things ever committed to tape.

Think the gap in quality between Guardians 1 and 2 is huge. Though yeah, Thor 2 (again, the gap in quality between that and Thor 3 possibly bigger). Also, ones like Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange I’ve just not go into. These are the ones that feel like they’re taking less risks. The big name introduction ones. 

You know what, I love a cool, modern Western and don’t think there’s enough of them. Too much ‘let’s do it realistic and serious’. There so much mytholgoy and scope for fun. The Quick and the Dead, Young Guns, The Good the Bad and the Weird. Great films.

Like the idea of just making regular movies, that happen to be set in the Marvel universe.

So, the joke is they swear?

But what a run he had. Just 5 proper feature acting credits on IMDB - they were Godfather I and II, Dog Day, The Conversation and Dear Hunter. Every one a masterpiece. 

Yeah going through his films it does appear to be one or two missed then classic. I love over acting Pacino. It was the one I grew up with. Bit then I caught Dog Day Afternoon, followed by double hit of Insider and Insomnia and totally changed my view of him (admittedly then went back and rewatched Godfather and

I’d suggest The Insider is when Pacino turned back into the great actor, with this the low/high point of the almost parody era.

Came to the comments for the Baby Yoda v Baby Thanos chat (found it), stayed for the obscure Greek/Roman grammar lessons. 

Ninja’s fighting against neon background? Check. Ninja’s fighting in old-style Japanese houses? Check. Ninja’s fighting on top of cars in tunnel or bridge in slow mo? Check. Really checking all the cliches here.

Surely the comparison is more Lucy - name title, French director, probably not as good as it looks. 

Love this film. After Grand Budapest, it’s his funniest film. And love the look - India and Anderson are a match made in pastel heaven. 

Yep, was equally confused by that. Agree also that two generations difference would be fine.

I dunno. It seems like they know what they’re doing to an extent. They won’t want to just re-tread the same films. They’ve moved it away from NYC, haven’t just used the original team, so maybe there will just be a few nods like this. Here’s hoping. 

I’m ok with this. The roasting themselves alive is just the right balance between kids and adult humour, loved the music cues to the original Ghostbusters. If it’s just one scene, I’m ok with the mini marshmallows.

I love the third Back to the Future. Yes, tonally they shift. First kind of adventure comedy, third western comedy, then in between this bleak dystopian sci fi. But who would have the balls to make one of the most successful movies of the year, one which offers endless possibilities due to time travel, and then say,

When do we get the Zach Snyder’s Justice League Director’s Cut?