Assuming he bought the house back in 89 (or earlier) and has lived in it for 30 years - he’d pretty much have paid off the mortgage by now. There’s no childcare costs as Marge stays at home, the kids go to a public school so no fees.
Assuming he bought the house back in 89 (or earlier) and has lived in it for 30 years - he’d pretty much have paid off the mortgage by now. There’s no childcare costs as Marge stays at home, the kids go to a public school so no fees.
Thing is, Lucas does know these story archetypes. He played with them for the original trilogy. There’s a recent interview with Mark Hamill, who said that he’d pitched all sorts of different endings to it, but Lucas explained that these were fairytales and had to end with the hero winning. The issue was that those…
I’m just not sure how he messed it up. Think about how easy it is to make a film about how someone is given great power, but then is being courted by both the serious yet fairly dull Jedi’s and the cool, powerful Sith. If he’d thought of it like a crime drama - the Godfather in Space - instead of a political film with…
I’m kind of done with this whole style of warrior dressed in metal bad guy. Never really worked for me at the best of time, but it just feels so cold, uninteresting, other. I don’t see these guys and think - scary, or god wouldn’t like to meet them. What happened to bad guys who had menace, threat, could instil fear.
Maybe Dan Stevens and Benedict Cumberbatch, and make it an English one. Stevens was great in The Guest.
Sam Rockwell and Woody Harelson
Nic Cage playing both roles.
I really enjoyed The Guest - but he just seems to have jumped aboard the remake ship too many times - Blair Witch, Godzilla/Kong, Death Note, Face/Off and apparently I Saw the Devil.
Can it be a meta version where Wingard just deep fakes the faces the right way round. So you’d have John Travolta playing Nic Cage but with John Travolta’s face super imposed.
Would be great to see someone do something new - visually - with super powers. Instead of the flames between hands, touching something and turning it to ice etc. You can see why people who don’t like superhero movies think they’re all the same from the trailers. I love them - but feel a new look, different take is…
Slow news day in New Zealand. Guess that’s what happens when you competently manage a pandemic and don’t elect crazy leaders (writing from UK, not US).
That’s the thing. Humans are all different, each with their own level of tolerance, own background, own current status. For me, trans issues aren’t a big part of my life in any way - I’m aware of the issues but if someone challenged me on where I stood on various issues, without spending a day researching it I might…
The truth is that it’s money. Money, money, money. A name sells. Maddie Ziegler isn’t a huge name, but she’s probably got some cache. The trick is to get to the point where under represented people aren’t so under represented - who get parts in indies, small Hollywood film, TV - so they too can build up the name…
Think she became star more than movie star.
Agree that Fellowship is the best. Feels like a proper film. Think the other two were about spectacle and a lot of waking, while fellowship was about character. I always feel like i should like the other two more but always come back to fellowship
Would have loved to see Rob Reiner so Harry Potter, with Christopher Guest as Snape
You don’t have to be a saint to be abused. Shitty people can be abused as well. With a lot of social media criticism, it’s like this black and white world or Depp is good, Heard bad. Not, Heard maybe bad, but Depp a lot badder.
Another lesson in ‘not every one thinks the same, and people can create great works of art and be awful people’. Or at least have some awful views. You often hear people say things like he was a great father but awful husband. That is very much this.
If you need to ask questions, send a private message. Don’t ask it in front over over 300K people who might be influenced by the way in which you ask that question.
They did. But still, it looks like it leans pretty heavily on these two films. May be that the actual film is very different and the marketing team just spotted the similarities and ran with it.