
Is Godmothered not just Elf with a bit of Enchanted thrown in. 

Where is this from? Pretty close to how I imagined them, though I had them as more browny/orange and a little shorter and fatter. 

The question is are we going to get Mary Malone meeting the mulefa in season 3? Are how will they do it? 

Come on, there’s been some pretty awful best picture winners. Crash, Green Book, Forest Gump, A Beautiful Mind. 

I’d argue that without Gladiator we’d not have Game of Thrones. It brought back historical epics back. Also, it’s rumour that Joffrey was based on Joaquin Phoenix’s performance. 

Whether you rate it or not, it’s hard to claim that Gladiator is a ‘mediocre shrug’. It launched two of its stars into super stardom, dominated top 10 lists for years to come, and essentially extended Ridley Scott’s career for another two decades. 

My mind always goes two ways on the questions. First is the idea that actors, writers, directors are not obliged to anyone and can write, cast, acts as and do what they want on their project. If people find it offensive, not representative enough etc then don’t see it. As a middle class, white, straight man my writing

Ok, my pitch....

Or as we say in Yorkshire, T’others. 

Brand recognition. I’ve always wondered this - why make a Poltergeist remake if it’s not a modern update of the original. If it’s just a poltergesit, haunting, ghost movie just make something new and original. But the hollywood execs know that it’ll probably make more money if people recognise the name. Even for a

Agree. As it’s a period piece, the effects aren’t dated, the actors still relevant etc, it doesn’t need it. Just release a 4K version at the cinemas...  or wherever people will be watching films in the future

In the UK, we’ve got endless B-grade celebrities heading over to the US looking to find out, basically, why everyone voting for Trump. Most recent one was Grayson Perry - so if he can get away with it, sure Borat can as well. 

Nice cast. 

The most middle class, straight white male thing ever (and that’s coming from one). Seriously, could you pick a more bland hero.

Killer back in her home town, killing people in the same way as the first film. Ends up being Dewey who is suffering serious PTSD from previous encounters. 

Remember that Hopkins was a Lecter that had been locked up and deprived of social contact for 5 years when we first see him on screen. Probably made him a little crazy.

Rodriguez used to be a total master of the cool shot. This film, Desperado, Planet Terror, even Sin City had some cool ass images and shots. But he’s lost it a bit recently. Maybe it’s because he’s focused too much of sequels, off shoots and kids stuff.

Have to give it Keitel in this - think it plays outside his wheelhouse but he nails it. Always see him as either sleezy or too-cool character. But here he gives it warmth and openness.

Think there was a whole discussion about this a while back, suggesting it fits into the Anyn Rand view of the world

Watched this with my kids the other day and one question they kept asking was ‘why are they so angry?’. Hadn’t realised but there is a lot of anger in this film. Obviously, it’s often played for laughs but did make me take a second look at the film. Obviously, they still think it’s “totally wicked” and call my Mr