
Love this movie so much. It’s the perfect form of escapism. Tom Hanks’ typing finger, bouquet of newly sharpened pencils, Generalissimo Franco, the Rooftop Killer. love it

Watched this trailer off first with the sound off. Now regretting watching it with the sound on.

Surprised more hasn't been made of the Arthurian tales. Lots of great stories outside the central story

See my other comments

Holy crap. didn’t know that. Oh well, it’s their own fault then

I feel that was more of a reaction to the bad press than any technical issues. 

I don ‘t even think the effects were bad. They were briefed to make these cat people and that’s what they did. It’s the concept designers and director that should be held to account. 

Really? More fool them

No but it’s part of their industry. If I wasn’t up to date on recent industry developments, I wouldn’t be very good at my job. 

I read a similar article a few years back where, I think it was Elliot Gould, saying that he’ll just find a film he likes and then vote for that film in every category going. Which seems wholly depressing.

You’re mistaken. The Premier League is just on its winter break. It’ll be back in a couple of weeks - plenty of football still to enjoy ;) 

It’s interesting that most the suggestions aren’t actually adaptations. Which I think is the problem with his work - it’s just so hard to get the creeping feeling it gives you on the page on to the screen. 

Wait, are you saying Frasier’s posh butler was secretly acting as a side hustle? 


James Mangold is an always entertaining director, and really upped his game with Logan. But you’re right, it has the feel of a 90s prestige pic

The question now is, who do I place my yearly bet on. any good tips for outsides in with a chance. Think both Actress categories and lead Actor are tied up. Rest seems quite open. Think Pitt will take best supporting as only competition comes from Irishman and the two noms will split that vote.

There’s some on there that feel like typical Oscar nominees that’ll be quietly forgotten in a few years - Ford Vs Ferrari, Two Popes, Judy, Richard Jewell. 

Is it me or do the Fargo seasons just keep getting better. Seriously, one of my favourite shows at the moment. 

Erm. That's actually my point. Maybe re-read my post

I’d say Doolittle skews a lot younger than Iron Man did. Difference between PG and PG-13