
Agree. It fits have an old fashioned sensibility to it - let’s gom a big, wholesome family movie. There's not many A-listers doing that. Many only caveat would be Eddie Murphy

Any idea who the new director was,? It was an odd choice but you throw enough money at people and they'll put they name to anything

Too the extent that you'd spend millions making a film about it. If it's a success I'll admit i was wrong. But just can't see it having much appeal outside of taking animals

I’m really not sure who Doolittle is for? Does Downey Jr have a young fan base. Is the Dootlittle character even known by younger crowds? 

I always thought the bad parenting stuff was really just a way to get around the fact that having kids - as actors - in shows is hard work, so most TV shows just write around them (Friends, Fraiser, etc). But as the show goes on, it really just is awful parenting. The lack of emotion she feels in letting them go when

The first book is the most straight forward and simple adventure tale. The others go into different worlds, genetics, afterlifes etc

Yeah the cut from Iorek’s.arrival to the two armoured bears without there armour was jarring. Feels like there’s been some explanation that's been cut here

Those shots from the shark POV underwater is what’s made me scared of deep water. That something would rise from beneath to take you. 

Would kids really need explaining who the Ghostbusters were. I feel that if ghosts were proved to be real, it’d sort of redefine the human experience, not just be some YouTube video.

Without the first Ghostbusters, GB2 would be much more lauded than it is today. 

It does feel a bit like, let’s do a Stranger Things / Ghostbusters. All that soft light, rural town, Finn Wolfhard


I think the book had a number of different tones - the opening was a kids thriller, then there was the slightly more grown up political machinations in London, the adventure story of the fens and the north and the final, almost Lord of the Rings-esque battle. 

There’s a section in the book about Lyra fighting with the Gyptian kids on the clay pits, that I feel is a great bit of character and scene establishing. It shows her violent, impulsive side, her desire to win, her willingness to go a little further than everyone else, plus her connection to the Gyptians and the world

Sure it’s mentioned here already, but in an earlier episode they reference an X-Men comic, which happens to be the Hellfire Club edition. 

Maybe she turns herself invisible at the end and the grand finale is just things being thrown across the room for, like, 20 mins. Kind of like Battleships. 

You’re thinking of Home Alone

Yeah, but they could easily do a flash back at the end to show that it was actually her turning the stove on and lifting the knife. 

Easy fix. Instead of having a post-credit sequence, have a pre-credit one that catches you up. ‘Previously, in the MCU...’

Didn’t realise that. But still, they could have held out