
And where is your apology -Jezebel - for the first article ridiculing her?

Emmerich has said in interviews that the film does represent both sides of the conflict. Just don’t think they’ve showed it in the trailer.

Having watched the clips, it’s not what you’d call boundary pushing comedy. In fact, it was some of the laziest, most obvious comedy I’ve seen. 

Often have this issue with prequels, especially ones where the world is under threat. Feel the only way to go with prequel is personal. Make it about a personal journey and the issues the characters have to overcome. But with big sci fi this can be hard and feel small. 

I’m in. Action looks interesting enough. Still no real idea what the story is - except a bit of a T1/T2 merge/rip off. 

Think it was a perfect storm - CGI could just about handle the effects (and were being used on this scale for the first time - so for viewers was an instant wow), the master of animatronics were still around and helping out, Spielberg was involved etc.

Shut up, nerd!

Pretty sure the ocean floor is not solid enough to run across. Also, does this rig not have pressure sensors. Are the first signs that something is wrong a leak? Really?

Agree. But as much of the criticism is around a lack of balance, think you need both sides - or as you suggest to be very definitively a single person’s POV.

Agree. People seem to want to take offence simply so they can have an opinion. Then stick by that decision regardless of the facts put in front of them, because arrogance and stubbornness seem to be qualities people admire these days. 

They don’t - but I feel from the criticism of this film it needs more balance. Personally, I think it’s fine. I enjoyed it. But in this day and age, people will pretty easily get offended if not everyone is represented. 

I go with de-shan-el

Think the issue with this kind of film, is that you have a lead character who we filter everything through (Tom) because it’s written based on the writer’s personal experiences (always write what you know). But to get real balance we need to be able to get more of an insight into Summer. Think this is why When Harry

From the Texas Monthly article: “According to park rules, a Verrückt rider had to be at least 54 inches (4 feet 6 inches) tall. Caleb was 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighed 72 pounds. He told his parents he had to try it.” 

Exactly what I thought. He never interacts with other characters, always the same jacket, the line about him not being freaked out by her illness. My thought was Christmas angel, but, yeah the heart thing sounds about right. 

I often wonder why release these kind of movies now -surely this is perfect for Halloween? 

I only watched this recently as I’d been put off by the poster. It was one of those that was always in the video store but looked boring. Should have had more Nic Cage on the poster

Are we getting to a new golden age of genre filmmaking? Jennifer Kent, Jordan Peele, Robert Eggers, Coralie Fargeat, Ari Aster, even the likes of Mike Flanagan, John Krasinski, Alex Garland, Gareth Evans, Ben Wheatley - all expanding what horror, fantasy, scifi can do. 

I thought they were all really funny in Good Egg

Yep. Just finished season 2 and the whole - uh oh, we’ve just lost all our money, let’s rob somewhere to get it back to pay off this week’s problem and then lose the remainder...again, is starting to wear thin. The last few episodes of season 2 felt like it was tryin to move stuff forward - but there are so many story