Good shout
Good shout
What surprises me most is how little cultural impact Avatar has had. There’s no ‘remember that amazing scene’ or character that everyone remembers. There was no rush of immitators after or even spoofs. Honestly cant see the sequels doing anything close to similar business
So who is going to direct this? Needs to be someone with action chops. Also, I guess vampires now exist in the MCU
I’m going to go with my theory that the blast doesn’t vaporise people but transports them. So Hopper was transported elsewhere. Probably not true as if that was the case they would have shown him being’ vaporised’ I guess. But, yeah, he’s not dead.
So - possible spoiler alert - he was 55 when he died and in his early 40s when he wrote Kane. Oldman - as much as I love him - is 61 now. Maybe Oldman was attached when Fincher initially pitched this idea in 1997.
Also, how do mermaids shit?
“And if I were ever at a party where a vast mob of kids forced you to listen to a precious goodnight song, it would be unendurable” - what, I often get my kids to sing Enter Sandman at my parties.
The box, the box
Nonsense. To say he was making a smaller, intimate film is either highly naive or just him making excuses for its failure
Think Angelina Jolie had eyed the project for a while.
Feels like a mix of Bright and Disenchantment. Let’s hope it’s not.
No, me neither. I enjoy a rom com as much as the next man. In fact, I wrote(not directed) a short film based around this exact premise (sorry, sound on it is awful - happy to provide copy of script for anyone that wants it ;) )
Regard’s Isn’t It Romantic, I thought it was distinctly average. If you ignore the opening 10mins and final 10mins, it plays like a fairly standard rom-com. And it doesn’t earn its (slight spoilers ahead) change of face when she ignores the boy and ‘falls in love with herself’ - there had been no build up to that, no…
John Wick 4: Paralegal - instead of shooting everyone in the face, he hires a junior lawyer and takes the Continental to the small claims court.
I’m interested to see how this goes down in the US. In a lot of ways, it’s very much how the UK has been presented before - upper class, foul mouthed, witty, London centric etc. But it’s obviously a different beast to the Richard Curtis view of London/UK.
And James Bond
What, really?
Season 2 of Fleabag is better. Only marginally as the first was great but Andrew Scott is in it and I could watch him all day long.
Matt Reeves has aid it’ll be more of a detective Batman this time, so a noir crime thriller might be on the cards. Can’t see Pattison coming on board for a standard superhero movie.
Come on, could we not have an ‘R-Patz is the Batz’ headline?