
Maybe one of the 14million version has him snapping himself away and then someone just picks up the gauntlet and un-snaps

I thought Ebony Maw was an excellent bad guy. something of the sneering 80s villains about him. 

My way of thinking about it is much like sport ability. They’re all ‘professionals’ but the margins of difference in strengths are small. But, things like having a bad day, home advantage, element of surprise etc all play a part. So in this battle, Hulk was shocked when Thanos fought back, which gave Thanos the upper

And something that bugs me. One thing about the MCU is that some of the heroes don’t have clearly defined powers. It’s most obvious with Thor - how powerful is he without his hammer, away from Asgard etc. Is Thanos actually stronger than the Hulk? 

Ok, so answer me this, was Thanos at risk of turning himself to dust? As one of the universe’s inhabitants, surely yes? Or does the Gauntlet protect him somehow? 

Now playing

He’ll always be known in the UK for his version of Unchained Melody

He seems to be having fun all by himself. See how long he keeps going

But my point really was that unless you have done some reading on a topic like this (ie defining a literary term) them it's just he said, she said. There's a lot of well written essays on the very topic that I'm not going to summarise for some guy i' ve never met

It was satirising consumer culture

Go see my other comments for your answer

Definition of satire...

Before we get down one of those annoying threads where people just pick away at the smallest points of someones argument while getting further from the initial point I'm just going to go back to my point. Satire doesn't have to be funny. There are debates elsewhere in the net about it - go look there. 

Civil War, Avengers, Ragnarok, GOTG and Winter Soldier would be my top 5. Not a huge fan of first Cap. But, yeah, think this list is fairly spot on

Social commentary is part of satire. 

Dont think satire has to be played for laughs. Some great satire is played straight. 

I do get a bit sick of the whole ‘humans are a disease and must be wiped out’ bad guy.

It’s weird that not all the Star Wars movies are on there yet (don’t think Solo and Last Jedi were on list). If I’m going to shell out extra for this i’d want it to have everything Disney, Marvel and Pixar - no omissions at all.Even the obscure stuff. Will it have Fox stuff there as well? 

I watched it late on - in my mid 30s, and was surprised as to how adult it was. It isn’t a quick, funny rom com. It’s a proper character study that doesn’t follow the usual rom com beats.

Just saw your reply without knowing what my post was and was thinking, ‘What the hell did I write to get that response?’

Freedom of speech is something I'm sure Scientology is all for...right? They wouldn't try and blackmail current and former members to keep their mouth shut about what actually happens.