
Think the term is dumped. As I’ve said in another post, with pretty much zero name recognition from cast or director and Hellboy originals not exactly setting box office alight, this film isn’t going to make any money on opening weekend. If it’s amazing, it might break even over time but think Lionsgate are looking to

Got a feeling it’s going to bomb. The first ones didn’t do huge business - even with del Toro. Without any named actor, director and source material that people are only slightly familiar with, who, apart from fan boys, will see this? I’m a huge fan of Neil Marshall but for this type of material, you need either a

Bet it’s Emma Stone and Matt damon. 

So for a while i’ve had an idea of a Big sequel that would have been called Little. Following he events of Big, Josh is a wreck. His mother never got over the fact he went missing and that he wouldn’t tell her what happened. so she never let him out alone again. At the same time, he found school and kid’s pursuits

“Ghouls” - dunno why, but that cracked me up. 

<i>Can you imagine the backlash if Brad Pitt said he would never work with a black director? @CBSAllAccess needs to perform a full investigation on his hiring practices (cast & crew).</i> Haha - that’s pretty much what the Hollywood system has been doing since it began. Where were your calls for investigations into

I understand that Hollywood is run by white men, but the figures for Black led/centred films have been there since the Madea films. They made crazy money. Why they didn’t move sooner to cash in on this underrepresented audience I’ll never understand. 

Maybe it’ll just focus on him eating rice and meditation - here that’s how most people live long lives.

Apart from the cheap looking font this looks ace. Can’t f**ing wait. Never pickle your prick in another man’s c++t brine.

Depends on who you ask. I realise that companies like Google and Facebook don’t charge for their service so need to make money somehow - and that’s through providing data. I think most people just have an issue with the lack of transparency around it along with breaches like the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

He was. Was he not Sean William Scott’s mentor in the flashbacks. 

They can collect your data and use it internally for things like the mentioned algorithms. They can market to you based on this data if you’ve opted in. What they can’t do is sell it to third parties for marketing purposes.

Single white male. 

Despite some of the replies, what you say is actually pretty close to the truth. Having worked in digital marketing for a number of years, there are ways to make the data work for you, as it were. Facebook knows when you’re in a new relationship simply by the frequency and nature of your posts (generally fewer and

Think this is Trump’s favourite movie. 

Ironically Norbit was actually nominated for an Oscar

Think Murphy is probably due a renaissance - he’s always come through with great roles among his more mainstream stuff - Dreamgirls, Bowfinger, even Shrek. Though looking at his IMDB page, it looks like he’s going to try and recapture past glories (Beverly Hills Cop 4, Coming to america 2) instead of trying something

You wonder how much wasted budget is spent on these movies that never get made. You could probably make a decent movies out of it. 

That always annoyed me about Indy films - which religion is right? So, we’ve got the Ark, so Christianity right? But than the Stones? Oh, and aliens.

Ugh, hate all this it’s not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it’s not a horror movie. Films are like kids, every filmmaker thinks theirs is a true original but when you look back you realise they’re all just the same with a slightly different haircut.