
Thought she was much more interesting character than her sister. Get the feeling she might stick around and turn up in GOTG3. 

Yeah but they leaned into it so much in the earlier trailer it just feels like a cop out. 

Could be a bluff. Look, Tony survives and then Bam! kill him off.

And some potential spoilers that Iron Man and Nebula make it back to Earth. Which is fine, as we knew they would, be feels odd with the beginning of the trailer (and previous versions) having him worried about dying on that ship. 

Actually quite interested in this now. I mean, the historical Parkour bit looks a little to much like the trailer for King Arthur from Ritchie, but enjoyed the colour and sense of wonder.

To be honest, it’s probably a more interesting period - post height of fame, Freddie getting ill, him going solo for a bit, his death, how Queen have tried to carry on. Also, let’s not kid ourselves, it’s going to be called ‘The Show Must Go On’

Ok, so if you could see a sequel to any other biopic, what would it be? 

Never say never. Sure there will be a reboot in 5-10 years time. 

Agree. especially in this world where every aspect of a famous person’s life is analysed to death, I bet that some point during puberty Superman used his powers for less than noble causes. If if it was just the x-ray vision. 

Intrigued as to how they’re going to bring in the whole mutant thing. Will they be new or will they have been this big secret all along.

That’s true but he’s no leader.

Kind of agree. Don’t think there’s a proper hero in the new line up of, I presume, Black Panther (most likely and likeable but still bit bland), Captain Marvel (TBC), Doctor Strange (too mystic), Ant Man (too funny). Peter Quinn would be best bet to take over Stark’s cocky leader role, while none have the gravitas of

This seems to be among the worst of the reviews - seems like it’s a solid 3star - maybe 4 if that’s your thing - film. 

I think she does shop somewhere else. She just comes back into the shop with all the bags from the other stores for that line. 

Indiana Jones already did it. 

Let me guess, there will be a magic View Master and when you put a location in you actually jump to that location.

I genuinely thought Days of future Past was great - but Apocalypse just seemed to have no ambition. There’s very little I remember about that film. And it’s kind of soured me on this one. Think they’re stuffing too many people into the cast. The best X-Men films have always worked with a core of characters (Wolvie,

<i>“What will we tell our young boys when they see this?”</i> How about we ask our boys what they think before we imprint them with what we want them to think.

Agree - look at something like Logan. Managed it well. Would like to see some mid-tier heros getting low(er) budget films where they can take more risks. 

It’s just how the industry works. Every film needs to get bigger - production companies see bigger as bigger effects, not bigger emotional pay offs. So we get the hand to hand combat of the 90s replaced by big car chases and enhanced hand to hand combat (Bad Boys, Matrix) replaced by big CGI creatures (Transformers,