
Excited for this. Not sure about MacAvoy - always saw Hugh Jackman in the role. MacAvoy just looks too short - but he’s a great actor so we’ll see. Heard that each series is going to be one of the books, which works a lot better than a below 2hrs film trying to cover a whole mythology. 

I think maybe it’s best aspect is also what’s let it down - the slow build. As it’s built from the bottom, the sense of scale has risen from Iron Man vs Obaiah Stone to mass destruction - but in that time, while we’ve grown closer to the characters, we have had the sense of awe taken away as more outlandish things

Agree. It’s the same for the classic Marvel trope of something big falls from the sky (usually slowly) and destroys buildings. I always think of films from the 80s/90s like Indiana Jones, Die Hard, etc when it was one on one and it meant something. 

True. Think it’s the core movies - the Iron Man, Avengers, first Thors and Caps. I suppose Winter Soldier took a slightly new direction as well. I think it’s visual pallete that is getting similar. Yes, they’re all in the same world, but it would be nice to vary things a bit. Not just in set design as with Black

I do feel that you’re right about the character/action dynamic, to the point where I feel the action scenes in Marvel movies are in danger of becoming (or already have become) bland and uninspiring. Thor Ragnarok gives some hope as it adds some style, whether you liked it or not. 

And the recent life event show they did. if you’ve not seen it, check it out. Even when not live, it kinda still works. But watching it live was quite something. People literally turned off because they thought it’d gone wrong. 

Kind of agree. Make mandatory but give them option of ‘none of the above’

I’d ditch the nominations completely - just have them announced on the night, then winner. The problem is, after the nominations come out a clear winner starts to emerge.

As I’ve previously mentioned on here, it’s sad that only 1 in 3 of the electorate (or 1 in 4 of the UK population) actually voted to Leave - but we’re stuck with ‘what the British people called for’? Actually, it’s only what some of them called for on that specific day, without knowing the facts. 

Feel the Marrisa Tomei stuff was only in there so that he could sleep with someone and show how he’d learned to do sex properly by listening. 

Society as a whole - hence the norms. 

Yeah, Cameron thought no idiot would vote for Brexit - but then again, some idiots had voted him into power, so...

Think there's a different in believing the Bible literally word for word and being a religious person who can be open and adapt to changing norms

They’re welcome - but they’re still going to hell. Think that’s the message i’m getting. 

Especially when her lovers are a bunch of idiots. 

Hmm, maybe. Never looked at it that way - more that it was mocking Starbucks in general. Fair point

Sad that only 1 in 3 of the electorate (or 1 in 4 of the UK population) actually voted to Leave - but we’re stuck with ‘what the British people called for’? Actually, it’s only what some of them call for on that day, without knowing the facts

Love this film but it always annoyed me that Meg Ryan’s character gets her coffee from Starbucks.

Majority of the time film editing and best picture winners are the same - which is basically the Academy’s way of saying, we don’t really know how editing works but we liked this film.