
Do you see me more as the respected dramatic actor or more of the beloved comic actor?- a question many blue man have asked. Where’s Carl Weathers when you need him, 

Just scrolling down to make sure someone had made this comment. Thank you. 

My brother lives around the corner and had seen him there a few times


Very much getting a Tango and Cash vibe. Even down to the electrocution scene.


Oh, so the whole issue with gay people is not that they’re worried about being attacked, discriminated against etc, it’s just they want straight men to find them attractive. Didn’t realise that Señor Bolsonaro. 

It’s be great if Netflix launched a free version but that only had content from first time film makers. Just a thought

Yes, thought that they were going to do post-apocalyptic Riverdale - think it’s the only genre they’ve done touched upon yet. 

Loved FPs, put me back in the game. Having to ask his son to play gangsters must be pretty demoralising.

Maybe that’s his motivating thing - Hiram’s wants to go back to NYC to be a big gangster but would get killed doing so, so basically makes up a bunch of crazy crap to have to deal with in Riverdale. He’ll get bored one day and just have the four of them executed. 

Can we have him playing his character from Romancing the Stone.

Kind of agree but also don’t. My favorite films from my youth were ones we watched over and over. I miss that. Yet, there’s also a lazy aspect - for me - of just wanting some comfort in the familiar. 

Mine is to slow down. I’m always trying to hit goals, consume more etc. This often involves avoiding long films or books because they take up too much time. So it’s all about quality this year - if it takes time, then so be it. 

No ‘of course’ - I mean, he’s married Emma Thompson. Plus not all men would automatically sleep with someone just because they’re hot.

Didn’t realise that about her. She’s only 18 in this film. That’s weird. Very weird. 

Nighy telling his manager he loves him. Best bit. 

Yeah, I don’t remember there being any explicit scene suggesting it was anything but harmful flirtation. 

Get rid of the Kiera Knightley (creepy), Kriss Marshall (tonally off), Martin Freeman (pointless), and even Bill Nighy story (great but not connected to main thread), add all this time to the Colin Firth one to make it more believable and leave the Hugh Grant, Neeson, Rickman, Emma Thopmson stuff in and you might have

My money’s on Brudzewski - what a guy.