Maybe she was created as part of Michael’s Good Place that never really existed, but as she was put in a zone outside that fake Good Place she wasn’t destroyed when it was.
Maybe she was created as part of Michael’s Good Place that never really existed, but as she was put in a zone outside that fake Good Place she wasn’t destroyed when it was.
Tennis matches won by rank outsiders.
About the kids. Seriously, what kind of parents are these two. They literately spend like 10mins a day with them
Babies and children going starving because their single mum died. People dying on operating tables, cheerleaders dropped from the top of human pyramids - chaos!
Two things I love about these - or UK equivalent - 1) No one is ever cold. They were thin jackets, a barely there scarf and are never freezing. 2) They seem to actually repaint their homes in Christmas colours. This is something I first noticed in Home Alone- all the walls are red and green. sure they’re not like that…
Feel Joel is one of those guys who had it all laid out for him - job in family firm, married to childhood sweetheart etc, but then realised that he wanted something for himself. But never knew what it was. The separation and effective end of his comedy career means he know has to decide what kind of person he’s going…
Just watched. Feel Suzie and Midge will soon by sharing an apartment
Hermione as the Gargoyle King
Think I preferred BvS to be honest. There was some sort of structure that made sense. Watching SS, it was all third act fight scenes with a few hints of backstory done in flashbacks. It was like 30mins in and they were gearing up to fight the big bad. The CGI in SS was awful (whole DC universe CGI and design seems to…
Sure you could probably cover all the major events in WWII in cinema. Would be interesting project for someone to cut all the big WWII movies together to form a narrative TV series.
Dangerous things to watch as a child are things like wrestling. Suplexed a boy in the playground once - did not end well.
Also, great article.
“Whatever “just sit around and wait for a prince!” messaging Disney princesses theoretically brainwash into young girls clearly didn’t happen to me.”
In this world of reboots, I’d actually love to see a version of this with Christina Ricci playing an older Wednesday Addams as the head of a new Addams Family.
Think with Fantastic 4, Spiderman and Terminator, it’s all to do with rights - if these movies don’t get made, the right revert to someone else. So they just rush out crap. When this crap doesn’t work, they reboot - with more crap. Maybe they should just give up the rights.
Love this show. Watched it again recently and surprised at how well it stands up. This doesn’t sound like a reboot, more a sequel, which I can get no board with. Always felt Rob Morrow didn’t have the career he deserved after this. In fact, I guess it kind of benefits that none of the show - apart from I guess John…
Just read interview with Ari Aster regards that where the interviewer point blank asked him whether that was added in after. He claims it’s all in the script - the camera holds on the face and the voice of the other person floats in the background, so we never get a sense of the real person speaking (sorry for…
A younger Brad Pitt with his long flowing blond hair would have been my choice. These days, Armie Hammer?
Also, not sure the casting was spot on - thought Matthew Goode was too weak for Ozymandias and Malin Ackerman felt wrong. Though Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Jackie Earl Hayley were excellent choices.
I enjoyed this when it came out but felt the fights scenes were both thematically and visually jarring. I loved the fight scenes in 300, but this style felt so out of place in this - essentially more grounded - story. And the sex scene too - why? I can see why the end was changed for film - a big intergalactic squid…