
Poos booze

Think the issue with Halloween movies is that what made the original so good is hard to recapture. It wasn’t plot, or original characters, or special effects, just a great director working at his best. No sequel or remake will be able to get that back. There’s no new angle to the series that could meet the cold,

Would love it if the whole film was shot in the black and white look the Instagram posts are in

Agree but think there’s this feeling at the moment that everything ever created in history can only be viewed through our very narrow window of time. Like we are the only ones that are correct. I’m not defending him just that we risk sidelining pieces of art because they don’t meet out specific standards of today

Ok, I get that these haven’t aged well in terms of how people are looking at them right now - but imagine if he’d written something someone today would have been happy with back then. It probably would have bombed.

I guess that counts as originality at Disney

There are better ways to tease something. The art of the teaser trailer has been dying for a long time. 

This is a remake of the Aladdin story as told by Disney - it’s not a racially sensitive, balanced retelling of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. This story is as much about race and prejudice and Dumbo is about animal conservation or Cinderella about class divisions. 

Agree but the argument is a little flawed in that none of these are original properties - book adaptation, tv adaptation, theme park adaptation. TBH I don’t expect original from Disney anymore - they own so much stuff now that it’s always just going to be endless brand recognition. 

These Disney live action teasers are all becoming very similar - swooping shot of key location or item (jungle, desert, slipper), then quick shot of key characters in action (but not main one). I guess they don’t really need to worry too much about marketing these though

Was just about to say the same - the airplane scene is pure Superman. The speed, strength and wonder all in one. 

Kind of agree, but at the same time look at things like The Matrix, Superman etc - these all play with religious mythology without being solely aimed at one religion. The whole idea of chosen ones, resurrections etc are so much part of modern storytelling that they’ve lost the connection to specific people, beliefs etc

Actually agree. Like many sitcoms, the main character was the weakest - I’d watch this if only for Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman.

Love a bit of Dennehy. And seems like a nice guys. Putting him down for a late in life Oscar. 

I always thought that Kline would develop into one of the great actors, taking more serious and challenging roles as he got older. Sort of a bit like Hanks. But then he sort of disappeared (being married to Phoebe Cates probably doesn’t help). I blame Wild, Wild West. 

Might work. I do have an issue in that I just don’t Reed Richards works on film - his stretching never looks right and I don’t think even with the best CGI it will. 

I get the feeling they would have liked to explore to Dark Phoenix saga further but with the up coming merger they were told - you’ve got one film to do it. The whole X-Men saga is a mess - like Fox keeps assuming it’s going to lose the rights so never thinks more than one film ahead.

It does seems little strange to go back to the mood and colour pallet of the original ones after First Class was such a success. 

Loved Sky High - hugely underrated movie

I’m guessing Fred Willard - it’s fit with Phil being so obsessed with becoming the perfect Dad - now is his time etc.