Always thought Shirley Jackson’s stuff was ripe for modern adaptions - this looks like it could be borrowing some themes from ‘We have always lived in the castle’ - strange family with young girls growing up in strange house etc.
Always thought Shirley Jackson’s stuff was ripe for modern adaptions - this looks like it could be borrowing some themes from ‘We have always lived in the castle’ - strange family with young girls growing up in strange house etc.
No, but it’s hard to argue that Rushmore is significantly better made than Lebowski. Or vice versa.
The whole bit with Nick Nolte dragging his hand through metal was excellent - the sound it made. Rest...meh.
Think the reason no standalone Hulk moves work is that the Hulk character is dull. Banner is interesting - loved the lonely wanderer of the TV show - but the Hulk itself is dull - nearly indestructible, zero dialogue, usually hindered by poor CGI, no motivation outside of rage. Marvel are clearer trying to make the…
Agree. Don’t think Rushmore or Out of Sight have had the cultural impact that Lebowski has had either.
I think the point of the quote was that every time anew technology comes along everyone says, Oh no, i’ts going to be the end of X. And it never really has. Usage levels obviously change and some smaller technologies and media will disappear.
Death comes after the internet. Or Skynet - which is essentially the same.
Much like people chose to read books over Kindle.
Heard an interesting quote the other day about ‘new media’, which applies here. Forget who said it but it went along the lines that New Media never replaces old media - Newspapers didn’t replace books, radio didn’t replace newspapers, TV didn’t replace radio, and internet didn’t replace TV.
We’ve had less well known actors in major superhero roles before (Henry Cavill) so no reason why as an actress she couldn’t do it. The issue is that if she stayed it’d be a film version of a TV show, instead of a standalone movie. De[pending on what age they want her, I’d go with Rebecca Ferguson or maybe Karen…
You get the feeling that the only reason Mark Hammil came back as Luke was to do this kind of stuff. Don’t think he cared about the movie, he just wanted to goof off.
Batman vs Sherlock Holmes!
So wanted to like this but just feels really cheesy. Tom Hardy’s voice sounds like it’ll grate, while venom’s sounds like something from a 80s cartoon. The effects look ropey.
If they did it, they’d have to slowly decrease the animation quality in the last episode so it matched with the first.
I miss the days of specially created teasers that didn’t necessarily include film footage.
Hey guys, I’ve just seen this TV show called It’s Always Sunny where they’re pretty racist, make fun of dead babies and more. Let’s get it cancelled!!!
On the verses building songs, Tom Wait’s Kentucky Avenue.
“Fantastic Beats” typo or Freudian slip?
Disney execs quickly working out which will have the biggest impact on G3's opening weekend, a boycott by James Gunn fans if they don’t re-hire him, or a boycott from the right if they do.