They’re charging players $50 instead of $60. That better cut from Epic isn’t going into the pockets of their developers, nor is it going toward making games in the future.
They’re charging players $50 instead of $60. That better cut from Epic isn’t going into the pockets of their developers, nor is it going toward making games in the future.
Well, the damage has been / is being done already, so fixing the dude’s car doesn’t get him much at this point. That’s kind of the danger of pulling the trigger on a social media hit-job like this. Once you do it, the target has no real incentive to give in to your key demands. It’s not like they’re gonna be talking…
My only issue is announcing this exclusivity deal a couple of weeks out from Metro’s release. But other than that, I whole heartedly agree with this statement.
Steam actually stands a chance of existing in 10 more years. I wouldn’t lay money on the Epic storefront being there that long.
Wow, how dare they want their Steam preorders honored? What a bunch of assholes.
Once again, by the sole virtue of being a white male, the victim in a crime is, against all logic, completely redefined.
Cutting off a dude’s dick is not self-defense. He was sleeping. If she needed to get away from him, she could have done so without violence. Maybe look up the legal concept of self-defense?
If the world was so unattuned to her alleged plight, why was she acquitted? Oh, and her insanity plea was so self-evidently trumped-up. Her original story was that she was pissed off because he always had orgasms, and he never waited for her to have orgasms. And then, all of a sudden, there was a new story about how…
Countercounterpoint: if you want to depress enthusiasm in the upcoming Democratic race, let people think that Hillary’s going to run. Not sure any hypothetical benefits from the GOP focusing fire on her for a couple months would outweigh the drawbacks.
Nope, Clinton has been quiet amid the topic being floated because she was testing the waters. That’s literally the only reason not to immediately remove all doubt by addressing it directly. So, no. Her people floated it. She considered the possibility. And even now, she’s taking the cowardly route by having those very…
Why are you curious about this? Do you actually want people to say nothing racist is going on here, just so you can feel superior and right about something?
Well, and it’s like, we don’t really need to look far for classic examples of male entertainers going all-out with the performance/presentation. Michael Jackson, anybody? David Bowie? Prince? They aren’t even trying to compare two artists who operate in the same aesthetic ballpark. Sheeran is playing up a…
He’s really not that bad.
A world where bad things happen, like we always have been?
Yeah, it’s really sickening just how hard people are working to make Kamala happen. Not one week after Trump won the 2016 election, there were swooning articles pinning her up for 2020. Not a single person I’ve talked to who sings her praises has been able to tell me specifically why they like her. They don’t know…
It’s so obvious that McCain eats her way through self-loathing every evening. And yes, sorry, she deserves to be body shamed. Fuck her.
You can always just not read that shit. It’s not like it’s important.
Is there some sort of SEO juju to having the vaguest possible headlines for blog posts? I don’t get how anyone is supposed to understand what this piece is going to be about, or why they’d even want to try puzzling it out.
I feel like CVTs are the way of the future, like them or not. In any case, I’m not a big fan of the non-manual alternatives, either. It’s weird watching people who hate CVTs wax nostalgic about traditional automatics, which in previous times they almost certainly treated as objects of equal derision. Enthusiasts…
As someone who’s about to buy a 2019 Forester, you have no idea how many of those types of comments I’ve had to wade through while looking for actually useful takes on the vehicle.