Call me cruel, but no sympathy from me, he made the choice.
Call me cruel, but no sympathy from me, he made the choice.
How do we know they are telling the truth in the documentary?
Also, nobody is going to stop playing his music, because music doesn’t stop being good just because the artist did bad shit. Michael Jackson made good music that is worth listening to.
Yeah, it’s kind of hilarious. There are all these people bitching because there’s no more turbo option for the Subaru Forester. Maybe try buying the damned things, and they’ll keep making them.
Or you can stop expecting anyone other than Bryan Singer himself to answer for what he may or may not have done. It’s not like a movie is solely a money-making venture for its director. It’s a collaboration, and lots of people are making money on it. It’s indefensible to argue that perhaps hundreds of others (the vast…
Sure, it’s unfair for Walton to be seen as a weak link when all evidence shows that LeBron might be the only actually good player on the team, but, like Spoelstra and Blatt, he’s stuck at a disadvantage with not being a LeBron-selected guy.
Yeah, seriously. In my state, 31 or greater over the posted limit gets you a $380 ticket. I have a hard time believing that OP is some innocent little angel here, unless the ticket was completely bullshit, and OP was never speeding in the first place (in which case, yeah, a likely story).
I got a dumb speeding ticket for $400 so i show up court to see if there something I can do to have it reduced.
The funniest thing is how so often it’s middle-class people who make obviously poor financial decisions (because they think they’re rich when they’re not). Whenever the topic of cost of living in major cities comes up, you always hear this chorus of idiots who are like, “$100k isn’t a lot where I live.” And it’s like,…
Exception: going outside for 5 minutes when it’s -19F will make your mood even worse.
What would be found in discovery is that the kids were in that spot, Nathan Phillips walked up to them, that Phillips was never penned-in or intimidated by the kids, and that the kids never chanted about building a wall. These are all things the media made demonstrably false claims about.
Nathan Phillips doesn’t need to do any of the above given the pictures I’ve seen. Nick Sandmann got in his personal space, and displayed unmistakable “come at me bro” signals. I’ve seen that look before; everyone who has spent a recess on the schoolyard playground has seen that look before. Sandmann was looking for a…
These people should be threatened for libel. Many of them are powerful media celebrities, spouting flat-out lies about minors which have led to death threats.
Oh God, shut the fuck up. Boys get punished for everything in school. Trying to turn this into some ridiculous, gendered double-standard is absurd. It’s stupid because it’s stupid, not because girls are the only ones who ever get in trouble for anything.
And you’re a dumb cunt who needs to fuck off. Fuck you, you stupid fucking bitch.
No, you fuck off you stupid fucking cunt.
Ehh, this is a shoddy argument. I think it’s beyond obvious that there are way too many “takes” out there, and way too many people only reading headlines, for this much scribbled product to be sustainable. There is no way the market requires anywhere near as much written media content as is currently in circulation.
Her job is to represent the people who voted for her. She is only one vote. There is no great need for her to vote with the rest of the party on this.
Not gonna happen.
But they did take no for an answer. You’re not simultaneously dating/married to all these guys, are you? Then it worked.