
I see where you’re coming from, but I think you are incorrect about what Epic is trying to do with these exclusivity deals. To me, it looks like Epic is trying to be the anti-Steam. They are trying to go in a more curated direction, rather than just opening the flood gates to a miasma of mediocrity, in the hopes the

What’s worse? The bad old days of Steam, or the bad current days of Steam.

I can only hope that this young man gets through this

I know you don’t *think* you are, but every person I’ve encountered who tells a story like yours and frames it as “merit and work got me mine” undersells their privilege by a lot and generally fails pretty badly to understand the circumstances of others in declaring themselves smarter.

God, I am so grateful that I manged to get to my mid-twenties without any student loans.

I have learned nothing from this diary, because his experience is so thoroughly impossible to replicate.

This is untrue. You don’t need full-blown physicians with med school degrees to handle the increased medical care load. Allied health professions exist because they allow the efforts of doctors to be multiplied without requiring a zillion more MDs to be churned out by med schools. One can get into allied health,

It sucks that you have to pay $500-800 a month if you want health insurance with a freelancing job that makes 75k a year

Er... that’s exactly what recommends the service to developers. It’s a big difference, especially for those using the Unreal engine. Why is that so mysterious?

Most probably feel okay about it. People spend money on things they want, be it a cheeseburger, latte, beers at a bar, mobile games, or even just the most recent blockbuster video game. I think the pity is misplaced.

How is what they are doing shady? What exactly is not dev friendly about it?

And the worst thing is that some people believe this only started with Trump. This was going on from the very start, and only got worse over time. Tons of people were echoing views exactly like these, and all Democrats could do was stick their fingers in their ears, shout “LALALALALLA” and exclaim that the program was

QUOTE | “The increased efforts to unionise the US games industry and the increased pressure on platforms to compete for developers’ mindshare might be the best developments of 2018 - and the way the recent announcement of the Epic Games Store was received among many mid-tier developers emphasizes that.” - Vlambeer’s

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

My first thought was “what a team player.” We are judging a referee for doing something “racist” when this article made no mention of the rules and just assuming because he had one racist incident years ago that this also must be racist.

That’s not a way for any commander in chief to operate, let alone one who is an unstable lunatic and total moron like Trump.

What’s at issue here is that Trump , his supporters, and the bottom feeders in Congress, think that a President can and should just say “make it so” and it happens. Consequences be damned. Don’t need no bureaucracy of subject matter experts telling me what to do.

Trump is definitely winning, so might as well get someone you like to lose to him.

It’s almost as though two individual crimes are treated separately from one another, because they aren’t related, or something. What a shock.

People are trying to find their “rockstar” candidate. What they foolishly fail to realize is that voting for a personality and an image isn’t going to cut it in 2020. We need an actual political vision. Without that, Trump wins again.