Did Nolan write those articles? I don’t get the criticism here. Splinter articles aren’t written by committee.
Did Nolan write those articles? I don’t get the criticism here. Splinter articles aren’t written by committee.
Still better than anyone on the (R) side of the aisle.
Why should we care? Because vaping—like cigarette smoking—conditions people to engage in even more thoughtless, costly consumption than usual. But the crucial thing is that, with vaping, you don’t even get to look cool while you’re doing it. Whenever I see somebody vaping, I just feel bad for them, because they’re so…
No, more like an “If you build legislation on a faulty foundation, then it’s your responsibility when that shit goes sideways” guy.
Aw you’re one of those “the suffering of the poor is a good object lesson and will instruct them to vote correctly” guys.
Yeah, I’m not sure the public shaming thing is tied to left ideology, though. Right-wing folks doxx people all the time, for example. I think it’s more an internet-era epidemic than anything else.
I know it needs to have a meaningful B-pillar for safety purposes, but that shit is such an eyesore with both doors open.
Foreigner gazillionaires dumping money into US real estate do the same thing in places like NYC, rendering new apartment buildings more or less “ghost skyscrapers.” It blows my mind that this shit isn’t criminal.
So long as eminent domain can be abused like it routinely is today, to put the property of ordinary citizens into corporations’ hands, I don’t give a single fuck about what this guy did.
The hurdle he’s most likely to run into is that neither of the component elements of the Carlton dance is original.
You can formally register a copyright, too.
They realize they’re going to lose, right?
Apple has about 9% market share to Windows 88%. Is that because Windows is better? (These days, maybe, but pre-Win XP? Not likely.)
Progressives are true believers in the identity politics game.
Great, then civilians can use Stand Your Ground to kill cops, too. Fun for everybody!
OK, so you really are saying that Democrats shouldn’t have expanded Medicaid for 13+ million people because Republicans might end up taking it back away from them, and that it’s a good thing if Republicans do that because it means that we might get something better at some point in the future.
You certainly seem to give a shit, considering how you keep replying, even though you know you’re getting dismissed.
The bug was only around for around two weeks but impacted 6.8 million people on the service and up to 1,500 apps that were built by 876 developers.
Oh, too bad. Can’t handle being dismissed?